A good idea, almost.  The BOGL library performs this for the packed pixel
:    modes, but the VGA requires OUT instructions inbetween memory accesses,
:    so it can't run on a generalized bit-depth algorithm in planes mode. (The VGA
:    design has to be seen/studied to be believed, I've never seen such a complicated
:    piece of hardware for something kinda-conceptually simple)
: Although it would still require special case code, I believe that a
: line-drawing routine for VGA16 would be relatively simple, since each
: pixel is the same color.  It's been a couple months since I've written
: any VGA16 code, but IIRC writing a number of pixels all in one color
: can be done with a specialized write mode that makes it easier.

        This is what we need.  This special case code is already
in the driver scr_bios.c under VGA_drawhline().  It calls either the C entry
point in vgaplan4.c or the asm implementation in asmplan4.s called ega_drawhline.
This code isn't optimized for multiple pixels with the same color, yet, and would
most likely tremendously increase speed on slow systems like ELKS 8086's.



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