Greg Haerr writes:
> Al,
>       After receiving ELKS v0.78, I compiled Microwindows and Nano-X for
> it and found we need one more kernel patch, and have several other items
> in elkscmd, some of which were missed.  Overall, ELKS 0.78 is a great step
> forward for ELKS and MicroWindows.
>       The following items are fixed in my ELKS 0.78 patch #1:
>       ELKSCMD:
>       login.c: set TERM=ansi, remove debug printf's
>       etc/issue: change to 0.78

I got things a bit messed up in this release because I did things in the
wrong order. The etc/issue file is automatically generated from the elks
Makefile, but I had not updated it when I built the release. Releasing
elkscmd and elks at the same time is becoming more work than is easy to
deal with as elkscmd grows. I think it would be best to switch over to a
different release model. elkscmd updates can be released regularly with
date stamped version MAJOR.MINOR version release don't really have any
meaning for elkscmd as it contains so many packages. I can then release
the kernel on its own with its disk images much more easily.

>       sash: fix to allow environment variables to be unset by specifying only
> the environment variable name, e.g.: "setenv TERM" will delete any TERM environment
> variable.  BTW, this requires my putenv.c rewrite for the dev86 kit.  putenv() was 
> rewritten, to fix the fact that it basically doesn't work.

Quite alot of the libc stuff in dev86 is untested. The utent.c file in
elkscmd is just there as a fix until I submit the patch to the version in

>       ELKS:
>       fix kernel exec code when chmem field is exactly 64K.  This is required
> or the new nano-X won't run, it says "Out of memory"

I was aware of this bug, and it was in my todo list. Thanks for looking at


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