> Perry,
> Cool!  Thanks for the heads-up on that one.  Excellent 16-bit compiler.
> I used Turbo C several years doing firmware development for an embedded
> 80c186 processor.
> We did not use DOS nor BIOS; we had the Paradigm "locate" program and
> burned the code into eprom.  Wrote our own startup stuff.
> We had our own real-time kernel (it was initally written in 8080 assembly
> however) and I had to get *real* familiar with the code that Turbo C
> generated to get them to play together.

Sounds like the ELKS list has a good resource for using TC.

> At the time I had talked to Rick Naro (Paradigm founder) and he said it
> was possible to multitask the Turbo C floating point library.  The float
> context is stored at the base of the stack segment in the first 500 or so
> bytes (i.e. SS:0000 -> SS:01FF).  I never actually ended up messing with
> this however.
> Does elks currently have floating point support?  Perhaps this would be
> a way to do it?  (I just rejoined after being away for a year or so)

I don't think ELKS has floating point support yet, Alistair would be the best
person to ask this question to, I think.

> Scott


Perry Harrington       Linux rules all OSes.    APSoft      ()
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                         Think Blue. /\

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