> We were discussing a little while ago the idea of *nix on an Apple ][
> class machine.  Well, it seems someone already did it.  I don't remember
> where I found it, the the filename is "apple2xinu.tar.gz".  What is it?
> You guessed it -- Xinu for the Apple 2.

There was also a package that basically provided you with Unix commands
under ProDOS.  It may have also had a replacement shell, but I don't
remember.  However, it was by no means multi-user or very much of a
stand-alone OS, as I recall.  This was probably in 1986 and I hadn't the
faintest idea what Unix was.  I still have the floppy at my parent's house,
though.  It had a name similar to Xenix, but I know that's not it.
I'll look at it next time I'm visiting my family.


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