    Good to hear you've got another version of ELKS coming.  I've 
completed the first round of getting an actual graphical scrolling terminal
emulator running under ELKS.  It's done.  Except that the code to open
the /dev/ptypX and /dev/ttypX fails.  My version of ELKS (0.77)
doesn't have these /dev/ entries.  I need to know the magic numbers.
Also, does version 0.77 support pseudo ttys?  I wanted to make sure
this support is complete in the 0.0.80 version, as Microwindows
now supports a terminal emulator.  (No it won't quite yet run vi,
that's coming)

Also, on another note, in catching signals in Linux from the terminal
emulator, I attempt to send them to the process group with killpg().
This routine under ELKS causes an undefined symbol getgpid() when
linking.  It appears there's an error in linux-8086 libc.


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