> drive.  The processor is  a  NEC V20.   I would like to use the machine
> for something other than a oversized door-stop.

You could saw it in half and use it as too suitable size doorstops ?

>           1) Will ELKS work on this machine?

It tends to use the BIOS so probably

>           2) What do I need to download to  get the entire ELKS package
> (including an Xwindow environment package)?

You are unlikely to ever see X on a machine that prehistoric. THere is a gui
in early development.

>           4) What, if any, documentation is available?

Very little. This is at the "my god I installed to hard disk and its still
there" stage system.

>           5) What is the current state of interconnectivity in ELKS (ie:
> ppp, terminal emulator, TCP/IP, etc...)

terminal emulation should work. No ppp or tcp/ip


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