Hi Al,

On Mon, Nov 08, 1999 at 06:25:15PM +0000, Alistair Riddoch wrote:
> > here you have a working version of init.c, maybe I'll be able to do something more
> > on it one of these days...
> Okay, I will check it out, and if it works I will put it into the next
> distribution.
that is nice!
but, wait, it does work, but it is not finished: 
I still have to figure out how that utmp thing should be used and
a few more things that I don't feel sure about, like memory management.
tell me when you plan the next release and I'll see to have a decent
version for that.

> > about utmp, who's actually using the information held in /var/run/utmp?
> This info is used by the who command, as well as the runlevel command.
ok, then I can test what I'm doing.

> > - sh, allow the arrow keys and some history.
> Adding feature like this to /bin/sh is a bad idea in my opinion. Advanced
> features should only be present in alternative shells. /bin/sh should be as
> lightweight as possible as it will be run alot.
well, probably you're right on this.
but it could recognize the arrow keys at least to be able to ignore them.
or it could remember the LAST command???

> > - mount, use the setuid bit.
> This will require alot of modification to mount, including adding support
> for /etc/fstab.
maybe, maybe not.
could this be `solved' with sudo?

> > - ctrlaltdel, gently shutdown.
> This needs to be added to init as I described before.
yes, this is one more thing I didn't feel sure about in init.c.

one more thing: the `date.c' does nothing about setting the date.  can we
use anything else than BIOS calls to do that?


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