>ELKS Networking proposal

I would like to help but I also have a tight school year ahead of me. I 
would like to help code as well. Again please don't flame me for making 
silly suggestions.

I think that it is a good idea to implement our own protocal, especially 
seen as though tcp/ip is to meaty.

Its true about the network cards, where do you get a 8-bit isa network card? 
I think the serial port is a good option. The usual speed of a 8086 serial 
port is 9600, is that a prob? Have you thought about the parallel port, I 
has a higher bandwith (as in plip for real linux).

I dont know if this is a silly point but how much do multi port serial cards 
cost? Is it worth buying a big card?

If each pc had 2 serial ports, could you wire it so there would be a sort of 
loop (insted of one real linux box acting as a hub).


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