On Fri, 12 Nov 1999, Ed Johnson wrote:
> I am a programmer and would like to help out I can. I have a 4 computer
> ethernet local area network at home I would be happy to test out any
> network drivers you come up with. I would also be willing to help on the
> coding if needed.
> --
------------>Thank you people for listening to me , and for offering help.
        However, as I already told, in december I have to pass two really tough
exams, and _only_ after that I WILL  start coding.My life and my University
degree depend on those two exams :)
        (in fact im not joking at all !)
If you blame me for this delay, you are free to do so,but i'm really in a tough
As you can see, my mail is quite delayed, as i have a lot of work to do.
I will, however read my mail,and hopefuly reply, so feel free to discuss about
the networking idea (whatever proposal you have ) so that when i'll pass the
exams and begin my winter holyday, i'll start from something concrete and not
from scratch.
        This message is also adressed to all those kind (and brave) souls who
 considered the idea of networking in ELKS and replied to me.


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