> >1. A while back I remember someone talking about driving LCD's, Can Linux
> >drive LCD's well? Where can I get some info on this?
> What sort of LCDs do you mean? If it's those 16x4 or whatever character
> LCDs those can be driven by a parallel port with any convenient software.
> If you mean VGA panels, I don't know what the interface is like.

Actually even this display you mention couldn't be used in such a way
without (integrated ?) LCD controller. In theory one could buy VGA (or
XGA) with LCDC built-in, but unfortunately all i can get is stripped
down version (= bare LCD, you have to do char -> pixel decoding and
provide propepr voltage levels, sync signals and propepr polarity in
order to drive the display). Special chip takes care of that on displays
of kind you mention.

Anyway, it'd be quite simple to write asm source for MCU (HC11 or
something similar, maybe AVR) that would do T100 -> text -> bitmap
translation and could be connected to PC directly and act as serial
console. Add the keyboard through TX pin of MCU serial interface and
you've got yourself a VT100 terminal emulator.

                                                bye, Ab

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