On Monday, December 06, 1999 7:28 AM, Scott Dudley wrote:
: Has anyone attempted to compile bcc with itself (8086 target)? I did so
: attempts to execute the binary on ELKS cause lock-ups. Stumbled across a
: page some time back where author indicated that he had compiled bcc with
: 8086 compiler and it worked(?).
I've been working on this and have bcc, as86, ld86 and ar86 running
cross-compiled. But there's a bunch of memory limitation problems.
bcc needs to be compiled with a special model, which I forget. It
also has some built-in asm language stuff that needs hacking out.
Would very much like to have a native
: development environment on ELKS to avoid sneaker net.
I fully support that idea. I've also got versions of libc-8086 and the
minix libraries cross compiled, but the libc.a is too large for the
ELKS file system, since ELKS has a filesystem implementation problem
for any file > 512k!!!!