A few weeks ago, I said I'd see what I could do about
writing some preliminary drivers for MCA support under

Wow.  Talk about biting off more than I could chew.

I did a lot of library research, looking through books
and manuals for technical information about MCA
architecture.  I found a lot.

I followed the links posted to this list by a few
other members.  I found more technical information

I learned a couple of things:
1)  I'm not going to get any code written any time
soon unless I quit school and quit my job and devote
all my time to "fun" coding like this.

2)  MCA has nothing to do with hard disk controller
architecture in old PS/2's.  I thought it did.  I was
wrong.  Old PS/2's had ESDI, some had SCSI, and a few
even had IDE controllers.

None of the information I researched has been typed up
yet.  All of it exists as handwritten notes.  Would
transcribing those notes and posting them to this list
be appropriate?

-Matt Balaun
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