--- "W.L. van der Poel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu:
> for you guys to look up old XINU again. If somebody still wants a
> copy of XINU, please send me an email and I will see to it that
Hey, thank you, I have the book but I don't have the sources!

> With the still lowering prices of PC's it sounds a bit ridiculous
> to me to put so much effort in bringing Elks (or Linux) up on too
> small or too old-fashioned machines. And why use Elks nowadays on
Humm, I don't think so! I have a HP200LX 2MB RAM and it's dieing! It's needing
a heart (OS) transplant. I want a RDBMS running there. I want a X system
running there.
The problem is I'm not as good as programmer to write, alone, a operating
system for my palmtop. So I depend of good people to provide the start point,
concepts and tips to do that.
Those guys I've found here!


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