On Thu, 29 Mar 2007 01:00:45 -0700 "Miles Lane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 3/28/07, Andrew Morton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Wed, 28 Mar 2007 13:55:54 -0700
> > "Miles Lane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > My laptop (HP dv1240us) is always showing that my laptop is plugged
> > > into AC power, even when it is running off of the battery.  When I
> > > plug into the AC after running on the battery, the machine immediately
> > > locks up.  Also, the laptop lid button isn't working -- pressing it
> > > doesn't trigger a suspend.
> >
> > OK, thanks.
> >
> > If you have time, could you please test
> >
> > 2.6.21-rc5 +
> > ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/people/akpm/patches/2.6/2.6.21-rc5/2.6.21-rc5-mm2/broken-out/origin.patch
> >  + 
> > ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/people/akpm/patches/2.6/2.6.21-rc5/2.6.21-rc5-mm2/broken-out/git-acpi.patch
> > which will allow us to eliminate any non-acpi patches.
> Okay, I tested with those patches and got the same problems with the
> resulting build.
> I can't reproduce the hang on plugging in the AC with either
> 2.6.21-rc5-mm2 or the
> build with the patches you sent.  The other problems are 100% reproducible.
> I have some new details:
> 1.  Power always shows up as plugged in to AC.
> 2.  The lid button is non-operational for initiating a suspend.
> 3.  Suspending from the Gnome shutdown menu works.   Afterwards, the
> lid button works for resuming from suspend.
> 4.  If I suspend, resume and then try to shutdown; when I see the
> message "The machine will now halt" the power does not shut off.  That
> is, the various buttons on my laptop stay lit up.  I am forced to
> shutdown by holding down the power button for five seconds.

Thanks.  So we can conclude that all these problems are due to changes in
2.6.21-rc5-mm2's git-acpi.patch?

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