
A "nice" kernel message informed that I might get some help here ;-)

I'm trying get a Linux kernel verion 2.6.22 or higher to work on my notebook 
(a FSC Amilo Pa 2510). It just stops the boot process with the message that I 
should try to append the option acpi_osi=Linux. That did not help.

I've tried the kernel versions 2.6.22 and a 2.6.23rc2 with several 
combinations of kernel options like (not that I really knew what I'm doing 
there ;-):


I've also tried to update the BIOS from 1.04 to 1.06 but that didn't help.

Currently I'm running kernel verison 2.6.18 (based on the Debian Etch kernel).

Any help is appreciated. If you need any further information just ask.  I've 
attached the dmidecode output and the kernel config.

I've not subscribed to the list, so please add me in CC if you reply to this 

thanx in advance


Attachment: dmidecode-fsc-amilo-Pa-2510.txt.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

Attachment: kernel-config.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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