Seaman aman nya suatu product, selagi buatan manusia masih bisa di bobol ama
manusia juga, yang pernah saya baca Apache 1.3.19 di OpenBSD 2.9 bisa di
exploit dengan mengunakan remote exploit, sayang tadi cari cari berita nya
nggak dapet lagi. setelah hole di OpenSSH, Sekarang juga lagi
hangat-hangatnya pada bicarain hole di apache,

Apache mod_usertrack Predictable ID Generation Vulnerability
Apache is a popular open-source HTTP server in wide use across the Internet.
Apache ships with a module called 'mod_usertrack'. This module contains code
to generate unique identifiers for individual web sessions and requests.
The session IDs that are generated are not not random. They are generated
using the IP address of the client, the system time and the server process
ID. These IDs are not meant to be used for authentication purposes.
Any applications that rely on these IDs for authentication may be vulnerable
to ID prediction attacks.
It should be noted that this is not a vulnerability in Apache. This is only
a vulnerability when an application uses these IDs to track authenticated

hal ini di alami pada apache versi

Apache Apache 1.3.11
Apache Apache 1.3.12
Apache Apache 1.3.14
Apache Apache 1.3.17
Apache Apache 1.3.18
Apache Apache 1.3.19
Apache Apache 1.3.20

sekarang tergantung kita sebagai brainware nya, mana yang paling kita kuasai

----- Original Message -----
From: "rootman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2001 10:25 AM
Subject: [admin] Re: hole apache (was Re: [admin] How Hack Web server ISS)

> apache win/*nix ? hole yg gimana nih ? remote hole ? ato lokal ?
> bisa minta keterangan lebih lanjut ttg holes apache yg dimaksud ?
> setahu saya apache sangat aman... blm pernah hole...
> terimakasih,
> rootman
ICQ : 124737863
YMSG : Dewa_Saraft

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