
kalo gue di the bat, click kanan, pilih filter this message, click
edit, click tab action, conteng delete the message.
he he he he, tapi tetep harus didownload dulu :(

Saturday, January 05, 2002, 11:04:44 AM, you wrote:

IH> tenang saja...
IH> Kalau saya sih di postfix saya setup sbb :
IH> [phxby@irwanhadi postfix]$ cat header
IH> /^From: *Postmaster@bellsouth\.net$/    REJECT
IH> /warnet.mentel/         REJECT

IH> [phxby@irwanhadi postfix]$ grep header main.cf
IH> # The header_checks parameter restricts what may appear in message
IH> # headers. This requires that POSIX or PCRE regular expression support
IH> # is built-in. Specify "/^header-name: stuff you do not want/ REJECT"
IH> header_checks = regexp:/etc/postfix/header
IH> #header_checks = pcre:/etc/postfix/filename
IH> smtpd_client_restrictions = reject_maps_rbl permit_mynetworks, 
check_client_access, regexp:/etc/postfix/header
IH> [phxby@irwanhadi postfix]$

IH> Lumayan tuh bersih ;)

IH> sebetulnya yang ingin saya coba, saya kirim 200 email ke
IH> [EMAIL PROTECTED] Bisa "heboh" nantinya servernya ;)

 dody suria wijaya -> mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] -> http://failco.com

Utk berhenti langganan, kirim email ke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Informasi arsip di http://www.linux.or.id/milis.php3

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