sorry bukan mau njawab, malah mau tanya, bisa gak qmail kita hanya bisa
digunakan oleh user yang terdaftar di PDC NT/2K

> At 19:07 26/03/03 -0800, you wrote:
>>gimana ya... caranya setting quota pada qmail,
>>contohnya saya ingin setiap user mendapat 10 MB /
> # vadduser
> vadduser: usage: [options] email_address [passwd]
> options: -v (print the version)
>          -q quota_in_bytes (sets the users quota)
>          -s (don't rebuild the vpasswd.cdb file, faster for large sites)
> -c comment (sets the gecos comment field)
>          -e standard_encrypted_password
>          -n no_password
> contoh:
>         vadduser -q 10000000 -c "Real Name" [EMAIL PROTECTED] password
> ---
> # vmoduser
> vmoduser: usage: [options] email_addr or domain ( for the entire domain
> ) options: -v ( display the vpopmail version number )
>          -n ( don't rebuild the vpasswd.cdb file )
>          -q quota ( set quota )
>          -c comment (set the comment/gecos field )
>          -e encrypted_passwd (set the password field )
>          -C clear_text_passwd (set the password field )
> contoh:
>         vmoduser -q 10000000 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ---
> -Dn-
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