On Friday 18 July 2003 09:09, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Yup, kalo hd nya di pindah ke komp lain gak akan bisa running deh
> perasaan..., pernah coba pake RH7.2 doloe
> Bukannya kalau hardware-nya beda, sudah pasti gak
> bisa mau ?

Waktu masih pake Mandrake sih asal jangan dicompile ulang kernelnya, masih 
bisa pindah - pindah komputer..
Oke .. sudah dapat jawabannya .. Minimize kernel, jangan diload modules - 
modules untuk motherboard, vga, dan yang berhubungan dengan spek 
thanks ..

Rio Martin.

A [golf] ball hitting a tree shall be deemed not to have hit the tree.
Hitting a tree is simply bad luck and has no place in a scientific
game.  The player should estimate the distance the ball would have
traveled if it had not hit the tree and play the ball from there,
preferably atop a nice firm tuft of grass.
                -- Donald A. Metz

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