bagaimana yah perkembanganya yah, 
karna abis mampir di linuxtoday, kok mulai menghangat lagi
dan bikin takut juga, :)

lucu dan ironis juga, kalo linuxer sll advocacy penggunaan linux untuk menunjang HAKI, 
mengingat apabila tuntutan SCo berhasil maka:
kutip dari
    *  Linux will have difficulties evolving beyond appliance and infrastructure 
roles, revitalizing Unix and boosting Microsoft.
    * Red Hat and SuSE will have more difficulty generating enterprise server 
subscription fees since the total cost of ownership would rise by the cost of the SCO 
license fees.
    * IBM will have to defend Linux and AIX, bring the litigation to a speedy head, 
and keep customers from re-evaluating purchase decisions.
    * Oracles 9iRAC for Linux will suffer a setback during its ramp-up phase.
    * Independent software vendors could temporarily delay commitments and investments 
in Linux until the legal issues are resolved.
    * Sun Microsystems can revitalize its marketing for Solaris while Dell's quest to 
become more important in the market's high end will slow.

jadi apa boleh kita (pemakai linux) berancang-ancang ..???
bahkan dari
Gates Says SCO's Case Against IBM Will Harm Linux Commercial Prospects 

ato kembali lagi pake kernel2.2 yah(di rumah udah pake shrike nih) :)

kira-2 apa yang terjadi di indo, kl hal itu terjadi?
1. ms semakin berpesta dengan berbagai macam lisensinya
2. pake linux harus bayar?
3. tempat training harus ijin dulu?
4. web hosting akan banyak yg switch ke windows
(dari link yang pertama SCO tidak akan terlalu menuntut non-commercial user)
5 ..

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