Linux-Advocacy Digest #78, Volume #28            Sat, 29 Jul 00 01:13:08 EDT

  Tim Palmer's Linux Apt article (REVISED) (B'ichela)
  Re: Linux can save you money on electricity! (B'ichela)
  Re: Anti-Human Libertarians Oppose Microsoft Antitrust Action (was:    Microsoft 
Ruling Too Harsh (T. Max Devlin)
  Re: Anti-Human Libertarians Oppose Microsoft Antitrust Action (was:    Microsoft 
Ruling Too Harsh (T. Max Devlin)
  Re: From a Grove of Birch Trees It Came... (T. Max Devlin)
  Re: Can Linux get the job done?  Are there Linux apps for..... (Rod Smith)
  Re: Are Linux people illiterate? ("Colin R. Day")
  Re: Bennett digest, volume 1 (Tholen) (Marty)
  Re: Linux ap't vs. Micorosoft (was: Re: If Microsoft starts renting   ("Colin R. 
  Re: Aaron Kulkis -- USELESS Idiot -- And His "Enemies" -was- Another     one  of 
Lenin's Useful Idiots denies reality ("Lee")
  Re: Slipping on the pantload. (Charlie Ebert)
  Re: Gnome or KDE (Charlie Ebert)
  Re: Would a M$ Voluntary Split Save It? (T. Max Devlin)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (B'ichela)
Subject: Tim Palmer's Linux Apt article (REVISED)
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 22:49:37 -0400

Tim Parker wrote a short summary if Linux was an Apartment complex.
His article is posted below with gramatical and spelling corrections.

                LIE-nux Apt's v2.4.0.BETA.


The apartment comes with no outside walls at all, it comes with brick
and mortar, panes of glass and a short summary of how to build with them,
you can build in as many windows as you want.


It comes with no look and feel in particular, residents are
allowed to have any look and feel they want as long as they build it


Certain tasks can only be performed by the Super Resident. The Super Resident
can move into and out of any apartmant he wants.


The electrical system was built by thousands of amateur electricians,
it isnt finished yet and there might be a few short circuits here and
there. The wall sockets fit European plugs, so you'll have
to throw away all your American electrical appliances and go to Europe to
by new ones.

If all the lights in your house go out, you are encouraged to take
apart the walls and fix the short circuit yourself. All our
electricians are busy fixing other buildings right now, where their
mistakes are causing constant problems.
        By doing this, you will also restore electricity to your
neighbors. Keep in mind that you nead to become the Super Resident
before you can fix anything that is part of the apartment.


For some reason, regular televisions don't work in the Linux Apt's.
Only the Netscape TV will work. Unlike a normall TV; the Netscape TV
doesn't have the fixed frequencies of each channel.  Instead, it
tunes in on the strongest signal to determine the frequency.  It can
take as long as 10 minutes to switch from channel 4 to channel 5 this way.
If you touch the TV, you might make it lose the frequency, in which case,
it has to "retune" the channel.


Every resident get's an R-M wand. Whatever the end of the wand touches
is instantly vaporized. It is not the responsability of Linux Apt's if
you vaporize your dog, your girlfrend, or your Netscape TV.


Appliances in your apartment will sometimes for no reason,  stop what
they're doing and dump a "core" on the floor. Forensic evidence in the
core can be examined by a laboratory specialist to figure out why the
core was created, but you are encouraged to do the lab work yourself.
Some appliances will leave cores that cannot be vaperized with the R-M
wand unless your the Super Resident.


Residants are encouraged to exterminate any bugs they find themselves.


This is an Open Doors apartmant complex. Since there are so many people
watching for intruders, there is no nead for there to be locks on the
doors. You are encouraged to run your own closed-circuit surveillance 
demon (CCSd) and spend all your free time watching the tapes that were
recorded while you were out or sleaping.


Ressidant's get the LIE-nux Enquirer. Because our printing press
doesnt work, the articles are all
staircased. There are no pictures in the Lie-nux Enquirer, and the
text is really ragged-looking.




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (B'ichela)
Subject: Re: Linux can save you money on electricity!
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 23:30:50 -0400

On Fri, 28 Jul 2000 15:46:19 -0700, Arthur Frain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Vt100's are monochrome too. And they aren't X-terminals.
>Same thing though - energy consumption depends on how 
>long it operates.
        I don't think it really matters if it is an X-Terminal or a
Monochrome Ascii/ANSI based terminal. Most people just use a terminal
or a computer to do tasks that ASCII/ANSI is fine for. For example I
use SLRN for newsgroups, pine for email. VI for editing text. Lynx for
web browsing, IrcII for IRC (rarely I go on IRC). All of these work
fine on a text terminal. When I am done I just logout and turn the
terminal off. 




From: T. Max Devlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Anti-Human Libertarians Oppose Microsoft Antitrust Action (was:    
Microsoft Ruling Too Harsh
Date: Sat, 29 Jul 2000 00:02:42 -0400

Said Aaron R. Kulkis in comp.os.linux.advocacy; 
>Stockholder elections are the ultimate means by which workers can
>have a DIRECT say about the conditions under which they work.

Even amidst such a rant, that sounds like an incredibly silly thing to

T. Max Devlin
Manager of Research & Educational Services
Managed Services
ELTRAX Technology Services Group 
-[Opinions expressed are my own; everyone else, including
   my employer, has to pay for them, subject to
    applicable licensing agreement]-

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From: T. Max Devlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Anti-Human Libertarians Oppose Microsoft Antitrust Action (was:    
Microsoft Ruling Too Harsh
Date: Sat, 29 Jul 2000 00:03:41 -0400

Said Aaron R. Kulkis in comp.os.linux.advocacy; 
>Actually, high level CEO's are "on the job" at nearly all hours of the
>day, (other than having sex with their wives...well, usually).  When
>the CEO is at lunch, he's working.  When he's coming home from the
>office, he's working (why do you think they still use chauffers?
>That's they can CONCENTRATE ON THEIR WORK while sitting
>in their private, moving office).  When the go to a football game,
>they are working.  When they work in a game of golf, they are working.

Which is to say they don't actually *work* for a living.

T. Max Devlin
Manager of Research & Educational Services
Managed Services
ELTRAX Technology Services Group 
-[Opinions expressed are my own; everyone else, including
   my employer, has to pay for them, subject to
    applicable licensing agreement]-

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From: T. Max Devlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: From a Grove of Birch Trees It Came...
Date: Sat, 29 Jul 2000 00:04:37 -0400

Said Aaron R. Kulkis in comp.os.linux.advocacy; 
>And which party controlled both houses of Congress at that time?

You actually think it matters?

T. Max Devlin
Manager of Research & Educational Services
Managed Services
ELTRAX Technology Services Group 
-[Opinions expressed are my own; everyone else, including
   my employer, has to pay for them, subject to
    applicable licensing agreement]-

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=======  Over 80,000 Newsgroups = 16 Different Servers! ======


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rod Smith)
Subject: Re: Can Linux get the job done?  Are there Linux apps for.....
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.questions
Date: Sat, 29 Jul 2000 04:11:56 GMT

[Posted and mailed]

In article <ZHgg5.16110$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        "John Becich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I know nothing about Linux.  I'm using Msft Word 2000, Excel, Quicken2000,
> etc., etc., under various Msft OSes.  I'd like to know if I can get the job
> done under Linux.
> I've heard the most popular word processor under Linux is Corel Word
> Perfect.  What happens if I'm exchanging email with a word processor
> attachment that originated under Word 2000?  Can such a file be passed back
> and forth with full editability between a Linux/WP user and a Win2K/Word2K
> user?

[Lots of "dittos" trimmed]

> It is thus important for any new competing product to be able to co-exist
> with a de-facto standard product like Word 2000.  It is important for any
> new competing product to support migration from de-facto standard products
> like MSWord, Quicken, Turbo Tax, etc.

Migration is one thing; back-and-forth exchange is another. You're
using a large number of specific Windows programs that use proprietary
file formats (as do most products in their general categories). I can't
speak to every single one, but it's usually possible to import a file
from one of these programs into a Linux equivalent (like WordPerfect,
Applix Words, or StarWriter for Linux, in place of MS Word). You *WILL*
lose some features of any but the most trivial documents in such an
importation, though, and you'll lose more on exportation. Some files
simply will not import. Still, if you're migrating and don't need
back-and-forth document exchange, it's doable.

Continuous back-and-forth exchange (as when you're collaborating with
somebody) is not practical, though. You lose too much when translating
file formats. If you can get your collaborators to switch programs, you
can almost certainly find cross-platform alternatives for many --
StarOffice and WordPerfect are both available on both Windows and Linux,
for instance. Those file formats should work well cross-platform
(although if you do tricky layout in a word processor, you'll run into
font-related problems because fonts aren't identical on both platforms).

> Closer to the OS....I have many files saved under Windows NT.  Can I migrate
> them to a Linux platform, or must they remain behind?

There's file formats, which I've just addressed, and then there's the
file SYSTEM. Linux includes excellent read/write support for FAT and
good read-only support for NTFS, with "experimental" read/write support
for NTFS that few people seem to use seriously. You can certainly keep a
FAT or NTFS partition around and continue to read files from it.

> Networking.  Do most 100 Mbit Ethernet cards function, and function well,
> under Linux?  I presume the hubs would work, as that functionality is quite
> removed from any operating system.

Linux has good to excellent support for all but a tiny fraction of
100Mbps Ethernet cards. You're correct that hubs aren't an OS
compatibility issue.

On the whole, I'd have to say that you probably don't want to try
migrating to Linux, at least not as your primary OS and certainly not in
one huge leap. From your description, it sounds like you're far too tied
to Microsoft and other Windows-centric file formats. You might try a
slow migration, but DO NOT go into this thinking you can wipe Windows
from your hard disk in a week and be happy.

Author of books on Linux networking & multi-OS configuration


From: "Colin R. Day" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Are Linux people illiterate?
Date: Sat, 29 Jul 2000 00:13:20 -0400

Jim Richardson wrote:

> like the Huns further east on the steppes. They brought their germanic
> languages, and gave us place names like Wessex (west Saxons) Essex (east
> Saxons), Norfolk (north folk), and the village I grew up in in East Anglia,
> called hockWold, which meant High wood. Germanic structure underlies modern
> english due to the spread of the germanic tribes. Little of either strain of
> Gaelic remains although there are remenents. The Danes brought with them many
> word constructs and words, especially when they conquered what became known as
> the "DaneGeld".

I thought that the region was the Danelaw, and that the Denegeld was tribute
paid to the Danes.

Colin Day


Subject: Re: Bennett digest, volume 1 (Tholen)
Date: Sat, 29 Jul 2000 04:15:14 GMT

Slava Pestov wrote:
> >> How ironic, coming from someone who routines fails to pay attention.
> >
> > "routines fails to pay attention"?  How rich!
> It was a typo, Eric.

Balderdash, Slava.  It was a grammatical error.  I see you are still spreading
FUD and misinformation about me after I stopped responding to you for a week. 
So much for your reciprocation.  Seems that you are too embarrassed to admit
that you failed to reciprocate.  No surprise there.


From: "Colin R. Day" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux ap't vs. Micorosoft (was: Re: If Microsoft starts renting  
Date: Sat, 29 Jul 2000 00:27:02 -0400

Tim Palmer wrote:

> >
> >If you counted vi and sed, he probably has several thousands. Nowadays,
> >apps
> >are more sophisticated things. Say, SQL servers. Suse comes with about 6
> >of
> >them, or so.
> MySQL doesan't count.

If you need that much power, get Oracle, which is available for Linux.

> >> >
> >>
> >>  ...and grepp and tr and strings...
> >
> >And at least 3 different word processors.
> >
> Tex doessn't count ether.

TeX is a typesetter, not a word processor, so strictly speaking, yes
it wouldn't count. Or do you have something else against TeX?

> >>
> >> Getting it's instaled is one thing. Try using it evry day.
> >
> >Been doing just that exclusively since 1997.
> You must have allot of time on you're han's.

And we won't talk about what's on your hands, Tim.

Colin Day


Subject: Re: Aaron Kulkis -- USELESS Idiot -- And His "Enemies" -was- Another     one  
of Lenin's Useful Idiots denies reality
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 21:28:16 -0700

"Zepp, a weasel in the corn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Fri, 28 Jul 2000 11:08:30 -0400, "Aaron R. Kulkis"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >MH wrote:
> >>
> >> > > >> >> You're one of those people who thinks that the U.S.
Government is
> >> > > >> >> perfect
> >> > > >> >Absolutely not.  it's FAR too socialistic.
> >> > > >>         In what way?
> >> > > >AFDC
> >> > > >Social Security
> >> > > >WIC
> >> > > >HUD
> >> > > >Dairy price supports
> >> > > >Food Stamps
> >> > >
> >> > >         I'm sure that the real reason Mr. Kulkis objects is a lack
> >> > > virility in this stuff.
> >> >
> >> > The above programs constitute the productive
> >> > people in society are forced to support the lazy and
> >> > unproductive.
> >> >
> >> > All federal Government welfare programs are unconstitutional.
> >>
> >> Another one of the new "compassionate conservatives".
> >
> >Exactly how is it "compassionate" to steal from someone who is
> >productive to pay the lazy to sit around and do nothing?
> >
> >
> >> Which to honest, I
> >> can't figure out for the life of me. Same logic here says no abortion,
> >> food stamps, no soup for you. But once the kid is born, the hell with
> >> Only the strong survive here. If you develop an illness and lose your
> >> you're SOL. If you're raped and become pregnant you're SOL. If you
> >> any sort of problem that impedes your ability to provide for yourself,
> >> that's right, you're SOL.
> >
> >Ever hear of this concept called "personal responsibility"
> This line, if nothing else, shows why Libertarians have dropped to .6%
> in the polls, and are still dropping.
> Murder by neglect is still murder.  Personal responsibility INCLUDES
> social responsibility.  We aren't animals.
Does that make us minerals or vegetables?  Well, you perhaps....
Anyone who truly believes that we are, in fact, much better than animals
hasn't taken a good look at how people treat each other in this world and is
If the people of the world were TRULY civilized, we would not need guns,
laws, government, or religion.  People would not need to be forced to
respect the rights of others.  The very existence of governments, laws, and
armed organizations to enforce those laws it a testament to the fact that
we, as a species, behave like animals.


From: Charlie Ebert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Slipping on the pantload.
Date: Sat, 29 Jul 2000 04:32:58 GMT

Pete Goodwin wrote:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Charlie Ebert) wrote in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Oh, oh, he's at it again...
> >It's been pretty well known, for the last couple of years, that FreeBSD
> >is probably the fastest
> >server OS there is.   Linux is significantly slower than FreeBSD.  NT
> >was just about tied
> >with Linux 2.2 kernels, falling behind only a slight measure.  Then
> >slightly trailing or leading
> >were the other OS's.  Mostly trailing.
> Here you say NT is similar in performance to Linux 2.2, falling behind
> slightly. In other posts you've proclaimed Linux to be three times faster
> than Windows.

Yeah, they are behind Linux.  As far as our tests showed, it's three times
than Linux.  That's correct.

> >The problem with Microsoft OS is the cost, the poor performance, poor
> >reliability, the fact the
> >government will break them up,,,, it goes on,,, total lack of security
> >in design,,, on and on and on....
> Now you're saying Windows has "poor performance". Which is it Charlie? If
> the first comment is true, then does Linux have poor performance too?

Have I ever said Windows was faster?  If so, where?

> "Poor reliability"? Based on what?

Based on that great big blue screen you get the next day you forget
to recycle the machine with a re-boot.

> The court case still has another court to go through yet. Nothing is
> certain.

Do you really believe nothing is certain Pete.  HA.

> "Total lack of security"? Care to justify that - you're implying there is
> no security, which simply isn't true!

Oh Pete.  You god damn idiot.  Why do you do this all the time.
It's like you have your head crammed permanently up you ass 100%
of the time.

Where were you when ILOVEYOU came to town?  OR how about
the other 5,000 some odd viruses before it since the late 80's!

But, let's not talk about viruses!  How about the FACT that any
common USER can just DELETE the SYSTEM32 directory with
total immunity!

Pete!  Your problem is you've had your head up your ass all your life.
That's your problem.

Your not PRO Windows.  Your Anti Linux.

And your a fruit basket of a personality to boot.

> >There will probably never be another showdown between Microsoft and
> >Linux in the OS department.
> >Windows 2000 was a factor slower than NT.  And the NEW Linux is
> >significantly faster than the OLD Linux.  The two OS's are headed in
> >opposite directions of the performance spectrum as time goes on.
> >Linux just keeps getting faster while Microsoft just keeps edging it's
> >way slower.
> Can't say I've noticed Windows 2000 being slower. Comparing it to Windows
> 98 SE it holds up better.

NT is faster than 2000.  NT is slower than 2.2 kernel Linux.
Neither statement has ever been contradicted in the countless magazines
on the net since 2000 came out.

> >The two operating systems are no longer in the same ball park as they
> >once were.  You couldn't do a
> >side by side test between them today..  What would you test if you did?
> >Linux would easily outrun
> >Windows 2000.
> >If it were ease of use on the
> >desktop, they are currently
> >tied.  There's nothing I can do on a Windows 2000 desktop I can't do on
> >a Gnome desktop.
> Which Linux are we talking about here? 2.2? 2.4? You've already stated
> Linux 2.2 and Windows NT are similar in performance. You've asserted
> Windows 2000 is slower than NT. How much slower?

For the desktop user, NT and Linux 2.2 are comparable.
For a server, Linux 2.2 will either edge ahead or just walk away
from it depending on what you are doing.

If you use Linux for file serving or print serving, NT doesn't have a chance.
If you mount ORacle 8I on your server, the performance difference narrows.

2000 won't even be in the server ball park for the tests.

> >I don't even need to point out the fact that the government is going to
> >break Microsoft into pieces.
> We're still waiting on this one. Nothing is certain.

A glimmer of hope?  HA.
I think nothing is certain is a wonderful theme song for you Pete.
I think you should stich this into a flag and go on parade.

> >What I do want to point out is that Microsoft has an inferior operating
> >system from this point in time
> >forward.  The amount of money they will be required to spend on their
> >system in an effort to catch up
> >with Linux will be enormous.  Chasing Linux down the software trail is
> >similar to your family dog
> >attempting to retrieve a semi truck cruising through your neighborhood.
> >It's an impossible task.
> >Truly the efforts of 100,000 some odd volunteers working across the
> >entire Linux spectrum simply
> >dwarf the efforts of the total population of Microsoft employee's world
> >wide.
> Catch up with Linux? Linux still doesn't have a lot of hardware support
> than Windows 2000 does (better with Windows 98 SE).

Name something which is not a WIN modem like product and
show me.  Show me what is not supported Pete.

The other day, somebody even told me they have a WIN modem driver
now.  It's available.

No.  This used to be an issue.  It's just not an issue anymore.

Show me a driver for any Microsoft product which will allow
you to use an ATA100 drive?

> >At this particular point in time, Microsoft is staying in business on
> >it's past reputation solely as
> >Microsoft has no future.   Microsoft has had 0% growth in the market
> >place in the last year.  That's
> >the first year we've been able to measure this accurately since the
> >inception of the company.
> Where did you get the 0% figure?

Yet another magazine article.  Same ones which were reporting on the
Red Hat stock market losses.  They also say that Sun is experiencing 41%
growth since January.

But again.  I'm not giving you a link.  You just use your search engine
and find it.  Or bitch until some other person posts the link for you.

> >AND, while I'll probably be reading the usual brain dead comments from
> >the so-called in-the-know
> >future fast food employee's association, I just wanted to let the rest
> >of the user base know how things stand.
> You make up facts like nobody's business, Charlie, and you never quote your
> sources. That's why I think your posts are nothing but a troll.

No your wrong Pete.  I have quoted to you some web sources.
I have.  You just refuse to read them.  I've done it again to
another man's article down below this list.  And you will refuse
to read or refute them also.  It's in your nature to be an asshole.

The reason I won't cater to you Pete is I just don't like you.
I think your a 5 year old with a pant load.

> >I encourage everyone I know to try Linux.  I want you to be on a winning
> >team and be happy.
> It's not a winning team for me, not yet. I found yet another sound card
> unsupported by Linux.
> --
> ------------
> Pete Goodwin

It is my sincere hope that you find some place else to masturbate
away your time.

Why can't we have a WIN TROLL who can advocate Windows by
toughing it's functionality, memory handling, disk IO, TCPIP stack.

You know!  Some good good technical bullshit!  The Linux people
seem to have little problem pointing out all their resources and what
they are for.

Why do we NEVER see a Win troll pump the Win tech stuff????

Why??? Why???  Why???

Why is it always some 5 year old with a pant load here to support
the Windows community?

Pete proclaims to be a .dll writer for Windows.  He's supposed to
be very intelligent with writing code and using ALL the features
of Windows.  He knows everything.  He's a really really bright boy!

Pete has NEVER talked about the superior technical aspects of
Windows over Linux.  Not one time has he ever spoke his technical
opinion.   Pete doesn't seem to have one.

Now...  Let us reason why Pete never does this.  Pete's refusal to
talk about Windows in a positive light.  It's always Neutral with
Pete.  And it's always NEGATIVE about Linux.

He's our Neutral Negative person.

Now Pete.  You be a big boy and highlight for us all the more
technical aspects of Windows so we can read the wisdom.

What is SUPERIOR about Windows which makes it the
SUPER OS of the MASSES over Linux.

What do they get in return for their performance hit!



From: Charlie Ebert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Gnome or KDE
Date: Sat, 29 Jul 2000 04:37:21 GMT

Pig wrote:

> Hi All:
> I am a newbie of Linux and using the SUSE linux 6.3.
> I've tried different GUIs.
> I think the Gnome and KDE are the best.
> So, which one is better? Pls. suggest.

When GNOME and KDE were first released, I used KDE as I
liked it's looks better.  It was also more stable than GNOME
at the time.

I still think KDE has an appearance EDGE over GNOME but,
GNOME is more stable with 1.2 and it seems to have nicer
toys than KDE does.

I used to use KDE on Suse.

So, I'm GNOMING now on Debian.




From: T. Max Devlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Would a M$ Voluntary Split Save It?
Date: Sat, 29 Jul 2000 00:38:10 -0400

Said Chris Wenham in comp.os.linux.advocacy; 
>T. Max Devlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Mr. Wenham.  You may have thought you were posting a humorous response,
>> here.  But what you've actually done is certainly libelous, and
>> potentially criminal.  This is a dishonest post, and I'd prefer if you
>> never repeated this type of behavior.  I'd prefer it so much, in fact,
>> that if you do it again, I will report you to your ISP, and we'll see if
>> they agree with my sentiments.
> Sure!
> They can be reached by sending mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] They
> can also be called directly by dialing (516) 221-6664.
> The address of my ISP is:
> 2471 Merrick Road
> Bellmore, NY 11710

Actually, I liked 

Said Chris Wenham in comp.os.linux.advocacy; 
>> I've thought about this more and I've decided not to do it again. 


T. Max Devlin
Manager of Research & Educational Services
Managed Services
ELTRAX Technology Services Group 
-[Opinions expressed are my own; everyone else, including
   my employer, has to pay for them, subject to
    applicable licensing agreement]-

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End of Linux-Advocacy Digest

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