Linux-Advocacy Digest #673, Volume #29           Sun, 15 Oct 00 15:13:05 EDT

  Re: Linux Sucks (Terry Porter)
  Re: Convince me to run Linux? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Astroturfing ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Why is MS copying Sun??? ("JS/PL")
  Re: Linux Sucks ("Les Mikesell")
  Re: Why is MS copying Sun??? (John Lockwood)
  Re: Linux Sucks ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Convince me to run Linux? (Terry Porter)
  Re: Linux Sucks ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Why is MS copying Sun??? ("Les Mikesell")


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Terry Porter)
Subject: Re: Linux Sucks
Reply-To: No-Spam
Date: 15 Oct 2000 18:07:13 GMT

On Sun, 15 Oct 2000 15:49:44 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>On 15 Oct 2000 15:22:38 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Terry
>Porter) wrote:
>>>Of course Linux stands on it's own, and there is certainly a
>>>contingent of Linux supporters that want to keep it that way and to
>>>not try and compete with home use desktop Windows.
>>Hahahahah, only Wintroll "Linux users" like you "Steve".
>Read /. some day.
I do all the time:)

>The "leave Linux to the geek" contingent far outnumbers the "compete
>with Win desktop" contingent.
>You need to get out more.
Thanks for the advice :)

>>Linux strengths are widespread, in both server, and desktop areas, do I really
>>need to give you the list again, (for the 1000 time) "Steve" ?
>How about some home user desktop strengths, excepting cost?
You know them well enough "Steve".
>Remember we are talking average Jane here, not some geek running
I've never used Emacs.

>>>>> but Linux
>>>>>is not taking any market share away from the Windows desktop.
>>>>Linux took my Windows95 market share off my pc in 1997.
>>>So we have been told, about a 1000 times already.
>>Some people need a lot of repetition "Steve", and your one of them.
>Typical for the Linonuts, like you, to compare an ancient version of
>Windows to a current version of Linux.
In 1997 when I switched to Linux full time, I had the "current" Windows on my
pc, I replaced it with the then "current" Linux version, its *still* on my pc.
Yes ..... "Steve", I'm still hassling you 3 years later, with the *same* Linux
version I installed in 1997, same hard disk, same everything.

You in the mean time have "upgraded" how many times ???

My total cost has been $6.50, for the origonal Cheapbytes Linux CD.

>At least I am running a current version of Linux.
>Mandrake 7.1, soon to be 7.2 if you will.
Well I'm sure you're proud of your new toy, does it fool any long time Linux
users like me tho ???

>And in fact I am running an older version of Windows 98 SE and it
>still blows the doors off of Linux.
Hahahah, well it couldnt blow of the Windows, now could it ??? ;-)

>>>>Bull, Ive had a lady friend using Linux the last 3 weeks, before that she had
>>>>*never* seen Linux. She loves it, uses Xchat to IRC and is amazed how much
>>>>easier it is than mIRC under Windows98. In fact she rues the day that she 
>>>>upgraded from Win95 to Win98.
>>>If she did a migrate instead of a fresh install, she should. That was
>>>a nightmare. 
>>Who said anything about a install ???
>>She didnt install, migrate, or fly south for the winter ;-)
>An upgrade implies an install somewhere along the line. Unless she got
>a new machine pre loaded.
Nope wrong again, and I had such high hopes for your insight once ....

>I liked Linux as well when I first started using it but the novelty
>wore off as soon as I took a look at how much extra work I had to do
>just to perform simple tasks.
Hahahah, you bitched like a looser, "wahhhhh, my printer wont work,
Linux is a POS", but then in 1997, we all thought you were bonafide, before
we found out that even your name is phony.

>Reading news offline is one of them.
?? No problem to the rest of the world ...

>Printing was another. And don't bother to tell me about your boat
>anchor IBM printer you bought at some flea market. We have heard it
>all before.
Well it's still relevant "Steve", its a IBM 4029, does 600*600dpi, at 10 pages
per minute, works of most OS's, speaks PS,PCL,HPGL, and text, cost $70 second
hand, and the toner and drum pack (good for 7000-9000 pages) cost $140 (recond).

Its a dream, and the PS cababiliy makes it a breeze to use with Linux. Oh btw
"Steve" were you aware that the Mac has always used PS as a printer language ?

Steve is still pissed of the $90 Cannon "special" he bought has problems
with Linux. Ah well, we live and learn dont we "Steve" ?
>>Shes a user, plain and simple, its using Win98 she hates!
>I'll bet if you put her in front of 2 machines one running Win95 and
>the other running Win98 she wouldn't even know the difference.
Ill get back to you on thet one, Wintroll.

>>>If she's happy, that's great.
>>>Does she run DVD's?
>>Nope, and shes back home using her Windows98 box again, it was my Linux
>>pc she used for 4 weeks. All I did was create a account for her, and let her
>>choose from one of 4 window managers on my system (she chose XFWM), after that
>>she used the system easily.
>I think you are FOS... just by the fact that you say she chose XFWM..
>What were the other 3 choices?
Opps I meant Xfce


Just for your interest, Xfce ,Blackbox and flwm have had new versions
released since then :)
>>Yes I do, Linux is an excellent desltop system imho.
>Maybe for you..
Definetly for me!

>>A meaningless statement, from the Wintroll "Steve".
>So what have you said so far?
The same old stuff, like you :)

>A summary:
>I had a lady friend stay with me for four weeks and since I didn't
>have a Windows PC available for her to use, she was forced to use my
>Linux PC. And of course she loved it beyond her wildest imaginations.
>Now she is home and back with her miserable Win98 pc..Booo hooo!
Hahahahah, thats more like it "Steve", your humour is cool when you try!

>>>just as quickly because it requires more effort to do less than what
>>>they can do under Windows.
>>Please "Steve" at least put a *little* effort into this ??
>>* More effort to do less of what ?
>Browsing for one.
If Windows users tried Lynx, theyd be blown away by the speed as compared to
Exploders sluglish bloated performance.

>Plug ins that websites require that don't work with Netscape for
What type of plug ins, mortage calculators, pornview ?

>Waiting until someone out of the goodness of their heart writes a
>driver for your hardware.
Or you can use the brain in your head (im assuming you have one) and avail
yourself with all the FREE Linux tools, and write your own ?

Or you can pay someone to do it (you did anyway when you bought that pile
of Cannon junk).

Or you can use the Linux drivers thhat exist for most hardware that isnt 
*closed* and *bleeding edge*, ie too new to reverse engineer.   

>>Hahahahah, how much effort was required to earn the money to purchase Windows,
>>and pay for the never ending "upgrade" path ?
>Time is money.
Yawn, then what are you still doing here ?

>>How much effort was required to upgrade the hardware to run "new" versions
>>of Windows ?
>I don't run a new version.
Still using Win3.1 ???

>>How much effort was required to pay for the software they needed, which is 
>>probably available (equivalent or better) under Linux for *free* ?
>Ahh but it isn't available.
Hmm look harder, it wont come to you.

>How about groupware?
Dont you mean "Bloatware" ?

>>How much effort was required to reload Windows, when the registery became
>>corrupted, or a virus totaled their sustem ?
>Never had a problem.
Lucky you.

>And when fsk takes hours to not fix your hard drive?
Try the Reiser file system then ? Linux has it:)
BTW, my EXT2 FS, 1.2 gig takes only a couple mins to FSK, no longer than
the Windows FAT or VFAT took to check with scandisk. 

>>How much effort was required to discover someone using their Windows pc, via 
>>Netbus or similar ?
Non MS ?
Does it come with Windows ?

>And how many hours did you spend reading How-To's to set up your

>>"Steve" you havent improved your techniques since I was last reading this
>>group, perhaps its time for a holiday, I hear the English countryside is good
>>for that kind of thing ?
>And you haven't proved one point.
Yeah but I've had a lot of fun :)

>>Perhaps your owners at IBM will give you a few weeks off ?
>I'm in business for myself.
Yeah, the  Wintroll business.

>>Kind Regards

Kind Regards
****                                                 ****
   My Desktop is powered by GNU/Linux, and has been   
 up 13 hours 22 minutes
** Registration Number: 103931, **


Subject: Re: Convince me to run Linux?
Date: Sun, 15 Oct 2000 18:12:59 GMT

On 15 Oct 2000 17:04:01 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Terry
Porter) wrote:

>On Fri, 13 Oct 2000 23:50:39 GMT, Linux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>I really do want to run Linux but I can't find any viable reason to
>>switch from Windows ME to Linux?
>Absense of proof does NOT equal Proof of absense!

Well that certainly explains how you got put here on this earth Terry.

>>My Dell comes with Windows ME installed as well as internet access and
>>all of the programs, including Quicken, encyclopedias and children's
>>scholastic program's all pre installed.
>So what, you paid $$$$, one would hope youd get something for your money ?

So where are the free linux equivalents of the programs?

>How about a decent newsreader with scorefile ?

How about a decent gui web browser that isn't eternally in beta?

>Electronics programs, schematic and PCB cad programs ?

Just what is needed for a family PC. But if you insist:

How about a CAD program like AutoCad?
Free, of course. We are talking Linux here.


The kids will love it :(
>Html servers
>Irc servers
>Ftp servers
can't wait till the script kiddies start using his machine to traffic
>Programming, editors, compilers, profilers, debugers
see #1
>Irc clients
see #1
>No ? how sad, Linux comes with these and *thousands* more "FREE SOFTWARE"

Most of which are duplicated over and over again (10 editors for
example). Many of which are available for Windows as well.
>>Why should I switch to Linux?
>See above.

If you have some 8 year old little nerd wannabe running around Linux
may be just the ticket. Before he decides to waste his life in
programming ($$$$), in the USA of course, make sure he knows all about
H1B visa's.

>>I asked Dell about Linux when I placed my order, about 2 weeks ago,
>>and they laughed saying that 99 percent of the Linux pre-loads they
>>shipped come back with the customers asking for the Windows pre-load
>Bull shit.

I called them up on Friday and they told me they don't comment on
returned items. You might finally be right here.

As a side note, I know 2 people who recently bought Dell systems and
are very happy with them. No Linux though, they wouldn't subject their
families to that kind of torture.

>>According to them, it is just a matter of them exchanging the hard
>therefore ... ?

Looking at Dell's website and the lowest priced Dell Dimension L PC
both with Windows and Linux, the 2 machines are different enough to
make that difficult to believe.

Unlike you Terry, I provide sources.

>>I have not committed to my order yet, but I am having second thoughts?
>So are you, or are you not, having second thoughts ???

The Windows machine looks like a better deal. You get a free decent
printer (I have a Lexmark Z42 and it is fantastic), MSOffice, Internet
access a bigger drive, Home networking kit, much better sound system
You can always spend th $1.99 for Linux later on if you wish.
>>What viable reasons are there for going with Linux?
>See above.

Yea right :(


>Kind Regards


Subject: Re: Astroturfing
Date: Sun, 15 Oct 2000 18:14:25 GMT

What's a skatepunk?


On Sun, 15 Oct 2000 17:51:51 GMT, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> And over reefer smoking linux skatepunks like you :-)
>skatepunks?........HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!.....AAAaaaaa......good one!......and
>you are?......57?


Subject: Re: Why is MS copying Sun???
Date: Sun, 15 Oct 2000 14:12:29 -0400

"T. Max Devlin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Said JS/PL in comp.os.linux.advocacy;
>    [...]
> >There was never a requirement to sign a per processor license agreement.
> >your facts straight. [...]
> Perhaps you misread the facts presented, which was that there was a
> requirement to agree to ppl, or MS would make Win/DOS too expensive for
> the OEM to remain competitive for those large number of customers that
> currently use Windows (not realizing how crappy a system it is, and
> believing MS's hype-machine/marketing).

Name the price difference and I'll explain to you the significance of your
Ohh...whats that? You don't have a clue what the prices were, let alone the

If there ever were a "requirement"  to purchase the per processor license,
wouldn't MS have been selling it to ALL (100%) OEM's instead of 0-40% over a
three year period?

Proof shall set you free, liar.

>Get your business reality
> straight, Mr. Anonymous Troll.  Few people here are stupid enough not to
> understand the facts concerning per processor licensing, besides
> yourself and a limited number of other Microsoft defenders.  The current
> theory is that you are all so deep into defending MS's blatantly
> criminal activity that you are forced to ignore the still-growing mounds
> of evidence in order to maintain the delusion that you are right through
> dint of your superior intellectual consideration.  It would be far too
> damaging to your self-image to recognize how wrong you are, so you keep
> digging yourself deeper and deeper into stupidity in order to try to
> maintain your ego.  It would be sad if it weren't so outrageously
> annoying.

You just came very close to a self realization milestone there Tim, your
making progress, just change a few words around in the above paragraph.


From: "Les Mikesell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux Sucks
Date: Sun, 15 Oct 2000 18:19:39 GMT

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I'm not complaining about Linux copying the interface, programs etc.
> I am saying that the fact that they ARE doing this is proof that they
> are targeting the Wndows desktop user market. Something the die-hard
> nixer's refuse to accept.
> claire

Yes, unlike Windows, Linux got the underlying stability and functionality
right before covering it up with a pretty face, and the interface necessary
for that was already developed 20 years ago.   It has been better than
Windows for years for things that can be fully automatic or mostly scripted.
All that is left is the intensely interactive stuff, so that is where the
work is focused.    Windows still needs to work on the underlying design
for stability.

   Les Mikesell


From: John Lockwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Why is MS copying Sun???
Date: Sun, 15 Oct 2000 11:24:44 -0700

On Sun, 15 Oct 2000 17:57:44 GMT, "James A. Robertson"

>"T. Max Devlin" wrote:
>> Said JS/PL in comp.os.linux.advocacy;
>>    [...]
>> >Next time you buy a new car  bring your own carburetor in and plop it on the
>> >counter, and say "Put this in it will you" to the salesman.
>> Umm, carburetors in cars aren't third party components, as OSes on PCs
>> are.  You misunderstood the analogy.  Not that any car dealer is going
>> to have any trouble with your request; they certainly don't have any
>> 'per car licensing' agreements on carburetors.
>They aren't?  Just how useful is the PC without the OS?  Are you of the
>belief that the acerage consumer is capable of loading and configuring
>an OS all by themselves?  if so, you haven't actually seen a neophyte
>attempt this.

Who's talking about consumers?  Wasn't he talking about the car


Subject: Re: Linux Sucks
Date: Sun, 15 Oct 2000 18:24:17 GMT

Like Bluto said in the movie Animal House when handing out Delta

Terry, I've given this a lot of thought (burp).
These 2 statements sum up where you are coming from and why you are so
far out of touch with what could help Linux take the desktop from MS.

>If Windows users tried Lynx, theyd be blown away by the speed as compared to
>Exploders sluglish bloated performance.


>>How about groupware?
>Dont you mean "Bloatware" ?

No comment is even necessary.


On 15 Oct 2000 18:07:13 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Terry
Porter) wrote:

>On Sun, 15 Oct 2000 15:49:44 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>On 15 Oct 2000 15:22:38 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Terry
>>Porter) wrote:
>>>>Of course Linux stands on it's own, and there is certainly a
>>>>contingent of Linux supporters that want to keep it that way and to
>>>>not try and compete with home use desktop Windows.
>>>Hahahahah, only Wintroll "Linux users" like you "Steve".
>>Read /. some day.
>I do all the time:)
>>The "leave Linux to the geek" contingent far outnumbers the "compete
>>with Win desktop" contingent.
>>You need to get out more.
>Thanks for the advice :)
>>>Linux strengths are widespread, in both server, and desktop areas, do I really
>>>need to give you the list again, (for the 1000 time) "Steve" ?
>>How about some home user desktop strengths, excepting cost?
>You know them well enough "Steve".
>>Remember we are talking average Jane here, not some geek running
>I've never used Emacs.
>>>>>> but Linux
>>>>>>is not taking any market share away from the Windows desktop.
>>>>>Linux took my Windows95 market share off my pc in 1997.
>>>>So we have been told, about a 1000 times already.
>>>Some people need a lot of repetition "Steve", and your one of them.
>>Typical for the Linonuts, like you, to compare an ancient version of
>>Windows to a current version of Linux.
>In 1997 when I switched to Linux full time, I had the "current" Windows on my
>pc, I replaced it with the then "current" Linux version, its *still* on my pc.
>Yes ..... "Steve", I'm still hassling you 3 years later, with the *same* Linux
>version I installed in 1997, same hard disk, same everything.
>You in the mean time have "upgraded" how many times ???
>My total cost has been $6.50, for the origonal Cheapbytes Linux CD.
>>At least I am running a current version of Linux.
>>Mandrake 7.1, soon to be 7.2 if you will.
>Well I'm sure you're proud of your new toy, does it fool any long time Linux
>users like me tho ???
>>And in fact I am running an older version of Windows 98 SE and it
>>still blows the doors off of Linux.
>Hahahah, well it couldnt blow of the Windows, now could it ??? ;-)
>>>>>Bull, Ive had a lady friend using Linux the last 3 weeks, before that she had
>>>>>*never* seen Linux. She loves it, uses Xchat to IRC and is amazed how much
>>>>>easier it is than mIRC under Windows98. In fact she rues the day that she 
>>>>>upgraded from Win95 to Win98.
>>>>If she did a migrate instead of a fresh install, she should. That was
>>>>a nightmare. 
>>>Who said anything about a install ???
>>>She didnt install, migrate, or fly south for the winter ;-)
>>An upgrade implies an install somewhere along the line. Unless she got
>>a new machine pre loaded.
>Nope wrong again, and I had such high hopes for your insight once ....
>>I liked Linux as well when I first started using it but the novelty
>>wore off as soon as I took a look at how much extra work I had to do
>>just to perform simple tasks.
>Hahahah, you bitched like a looser, "wahhhhh, my printer wont work,
>Linux is a POS", but then in 1997, we all thought you were bonafide, before
>we found out that even your name is phony.
>>Reading news offline is one of them.
>?? No problem to the rest of the world ...
>>Printing was another. And don't bother to tell me about your boat
>>anchor IBM printer you bought at some flea market. We have heard it
>>all before.
>Well it's still relevant "Steve", its a IBM 4029, does 600*600dpi, at 10 pages
>per minute, works of most OS's, speaks PS,PCL,HPGL, and text, cost $70 second
>hand, and the toner and drum pack (good for 7000-9000 pages) cost $140 (recond).
>Its a dream, and the PS cababiliy makes it a breeze to use with Linux. Oh btw
>"Steve" were you aware that the Mac has always used PS as a printer language ?
>Steve is still pissed of the $90 Cannon "special" he bought has problems
>with Linux. Ah well, we live and learn dont we "Steve" ?
>>>Shes a user, plain and simple, its using Win98 she hates!
>>I'll bet if you put her in front of 2 machines one running Win95 and
>>the other running Win98 she wouldn't even know the difference.
>Ill get back to you on thet one, Wintroll.
>>>>If she's happy, that's great.
>>>>Does she run DVD's?
>>>Nope, and shes back home using her Windows98 box again, it was my Linux
>>>pc she used for 4 weeks. All I did was create a account for her, and let her
>>>choose from one of 4 window managers on my system (she chose XFWM), after that
>>>she used the system easily.
>>I think you are FOS... just by the fact that you say she chose XFWM..
>>What were the other 3 choices?
>Opps I meant Xfce
>Just for your interest, Xfce ,Blackbox and flwm have had new versions
>released since then :)
>>>Yes I do, Linux is an excellent desltop system imho.
>>Maybe for you..
>Definetly for me!
>>>A meaningless statement, from the Wintroll "Steve".
>>So what have you said so far?
>The same old stuff, like you :)
>>A summary:
>>I had a lady friend stay with me for four weeks and since I didn't
>>have a Windows PC available for her to use, she was forced to use my
>>Linux PC. And of course she loved it beyond her wildest imaginations.
>>Now she is home and back with her miserable Win98 pc..Booo hooo!
>Hahahahah, thats more like it "Steve", your humour is cool when you try!
>>>>just as quickly because it requires more effort to do less than what
>>>>they can do under Windows.
>>>Please "Steve" at least put a *little* effort into this ??
>>>* More effort to do less of what ?
>>Browsing for one.
>If Windows users tried Lynx, theyd be blown away by the speed as compared to
>Exploders sluglish bloated performance.
>>Plug ins that websites require that don't work with Netscape for
>What type of plug ins, mortage calculators, pornview ?
>>Waiting until someone out of the goodness of their heart writes a
>>driver for your hardware.
>Or you can use the brain in your head (im assuming you have one) and avail
>yourself with all the FREE Linux tools, and write your own ?
>Or you can pay someone to do it (you did anyway when you bought that pile
>of Cannon junk).
>Or you can use the Linux drivers thhat exist for most hardware that isnt 
>*closed* and *bleeding edge*, ie too new to reverse engineer.  
>>>Hahahahah, how much effort was required to earn the money to purchase Windows,
>>>and pay for the never ending "upgrade" path ?
>>Time is money.
>Yawn, then what are you still doing here ?
>>>How much effort was required to upgrade the hardware to run "new" versions
>>>of Windows ?
>>I don't run a new version.
>Still using Win3.1 ???
>>>How much effort was required to pay for the software they needed, which is 
>>>probably available (equivalent or better) under Linux for *free* ?
>>Ahh but it isn't available.
>Hmm look harder, it wont come to you.
>>How about groupware?
>Dont you mean "Bloatware" ?
>>>How much effort was required to reload Windows, when the registery became
>>>corrupted, or a virus totaled their sustem ?
>>Never had a problem.
>Lucky you.
>>And when fsk takes hours to not fix your hard drive?
>Try the Reiser file system then ? Linux has it:)
>BTW, my EXT2 FS, 1.2 gig takes only a couple mins to FSK, no longer than
>the Windows FAT or VFAT took to check with scandisk. 
>>>How much effort was required to discover someone using their Windows pc, via 
>>>Netbus or similar ?
>Non MS ?
>Does it come with Windows ?
>>And how many hours did you spend reading How-To's to set up your
>>>"Steve" you havent improved your techniques since I was last reading this
>>>group, perhaps its time for a holiday, I hear the English countryside is good
>>>for that kind of thing ?
>>And you haven't proved one point.
>Yeah but I've had a lot of fun :)
>>>Perhaps your owners at IBM will give you a few weeks off ?
>>I'm in business for myself.
>Yeah, the  Wintroll business.
>>>Kind Regards
>Kind Regards


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Terry Porter)
Subject: Re: Convince me to run Linux?
Reply-To: No-Spam
Date: 15 Oct 2000 18:23:44 GMT

On Sun, 15 Oct 2000 17:41:25 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>"Terry Porter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>> On Fri, 13 Oct 2000 23:50:39 GMT, Linux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> How about a decent newsreader with scorefile ?
>> Electronics programs, schematic and PCB cad programs ?
>> Flowcharts
>> Html servers
>> Irc servers
>> Ftp servers
>> Programming, editors, compilers, profilers, debugers
>> Irc clients
>> No ? how sad, Linux comes with these and *thousands* more "FREE SOFTWARE"
>> programs.
>yeah?...really good...eeehh now, the problem is that no "end-user"
Um any user that uses the pc, is called the "end user".

> wants any
>of these, unless youre a geek of course....
Well "Steve" did mention "ed you cay shun al" software, so I thought I'd give
some examples :)

Why dont *you* tell you what this hypothetical "end user" wants ?????

Kind Regards
****                                                ****
   My Desktop is powered by GNU/Linux, and has been   
 up 14 hours 22 minutes
** Registration Number: 103931, **


Subject: Re: Linux Sucks
Date: Sun, 15 Oct 2000 18:31:32 GMT

On Sun, 15 Oct 2000 18:19:39 GMT, "Les Mikesell"

>Yes, unlike Windows, Linux got the underlying stability and functionality
>right before covering it up with a pretty face, and the interface necessary
>for that was already developed 20 years ago.

FINALLY some comments that make sense, at least to me :)

You are right and I agree with you 100 percent. Personally I have no
troubles with my DAW running Win98SE but my other home systems (the
ones the kids use) are constantly having troubles. No BSOD's but weird
networking stuff like printers disappearing etc. When someone posts
that their system crashes 15 times a day though I have to suspect
something other than the OS whatever OS that is.

I have never said anything against the stability of Linux. Only times
it crashed on me was running Agent under Wine, and that really doesn't
count. Even the Netscape leak just froze the Gui. The Windows(98) task
manager is a joke by comparison.

> It has been better than
>Windows for years for things that can be fully automatic or mostly scripted.


>All that is left is the intensely interactive stuff, so that is where the
>work is focused.    Windows still needs to work on the underlying design
>for stability.

>   Les Mikesell

See, I'm not such a witch :)

Like I always say I call them as "I" see them.



From: "Les Mikesell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Why is MS copying Sun???
Date: Sun, 15 Oct 2000 18:31:51 GMT

"James A. Robertson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

> > Umm, carburetors in cars aren't third party components, as OSes on PCs
> > are.  You misunderstood the analogy.  Not that any car dealer is going
> > to have any trouble with your request; they certainly don't have any
> > 'per car licensing' agreements on carburetors.
> They aren't?  Just how useful is the PC without the OS?  Are you of the
> belief that the acerage consumer is capable of loading and configuring
> an OS all by themselves?  if so, you haven't actually seen a neophyte
> attempt this.

Most 'average consumers' would probably have one of their kids do
it for them.

   Les Mikesell



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End of Linux-Advocacy Digest

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