Linux-Advocacy Digest #679, Volume #29           Sun, 15 Oct 00 21:13:04 EDT

  Re: Microsoft kicked off the Web! ("Otto")
  Re: Why the Linonuts fear me ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Is there a MS Word (or substitute) for Linux? (Robert Kiesling)
  Re: A classic example of unfriendly Linux (sfcybear)
  Re: Why is MS copying Sun??? (Peter da Silva)
  Re: Why is MS copying Sun??? (Peter da Silva)
  Re: Open lettor to CommyLinux Commy's, and all other commy's to. (Tim Palmer)
  Re: Claire Lynn ("Joseph T. Adams")
  Re: Is there a MS Word (or substitute) for Linux? (Dustin Puryear)
  Re: A classic example of unfriendly Linux (sfcybear)
  Re: Is there a MS Word (or substitute) for Linux? (Dustin Puryear)
  Re: Why the Linonuts fear me ("MH")
  Re: Is there a MS Word (or substitute) for Linux? ("Joseph T. Adams")
  Re: Is there a MS Word (or substitute) for Linux? ("Joseph T. Adams")
  Re: Why the Linonuts fear me (sfcybear)
  Re: Why the Linonuts fear me (sfcybear)
  Re: Why the Linonuts fear me ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


From: "Otto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Microsoft kicked off the Web!
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 00:04:00 GMT

"Dave Anderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:1LmG5.2924$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
:  I don't buy that "easy to use" stuff for technical types.  If you factor
: how much effort that goes into keeping "MS-Windows" going, and compare it
: learning a real OS, they are about the same.  But the payback comes two
: ways, first - you have time to move your business ahead instead of doing
: "reboot", "patch" and "security" while loops and second: you can use Linux
: knowledge on HP-UX, Sun, UnixWare, SCO, Iris, AIX, and a host of others.
: From a career perspective, it is vendor independent knowledge and pays
: better. McWindows, like McDonalds burgers, are quick but you get less.

Wether you buy the "easy to use" stuff or not, it does not change the facts.
I can't comment on the "McWindows", never heard of such an OS. However, to
build up and learn a Linux system does take considerable amount of time, not
to mention the software installation routines on Linux.
OS does not move businesses forward, it can however aid that direction, but
it won't do it by itself. Not to mention the fact that some of the OSs don't
support business programs. That in itself limits the choices. There are
times when people only need a McDonalds burger, they could probably get more
at the next door in a fancy restaurant, but they elect to get the burger. Go

:  I would rather spend my time learning and moving the business ahead than
: fixing and futzing.  From an end user perspective, there are far less
: problems with stable versions of Linux than with McWindows.  As the
: crunch out better and better software for Linux, more and more end users
: will use it.

You are not saying that there is some "not so stable version of Linux", are
you :)?

:  It is inevitable as the industry matures to shift to a xNIX as the real
: professionals will learn more... and our clients will like the reliability
: and stability.  The only thing that keeps NT afloat is that where else do
: you know you can flip burgers on Tuesday and be a NT admin on Friday.  As
: the market matures, this will occur less often.

The industry started out with Unix and along came NT beating the crap out of
the "xNIX". When the 64-bit version of NT becomes available sometimes in the
next year, it'll be lights out for the "xNIX". All of the "real
professionals" will be flipping burgers somewhere and they can keep
wondering about what hit them.



Subject: Re: Why the Linonuts fear me
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 00:04:03 GMT

On Sun, 15 Oct 2000 19:02:18 -0500, "Mike" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>You really are a silly person. I'd wager that 99% of the people reading
>this newsgroup have more experience with Dos/Windows than you. It really
>is kind of dumb for you to blather on about how great "Windows" is to

I doubt it. I go back well before DOS was a dollar sign in BG's eyes.

>They have also learned to use Unix/Linux and find that it
>meets their needs better than the afore mentioned operating system.

If I were running a server I would agree.
>You however, cannot make an intelligent assessment of what the pros and
>cons of each are because you know nothing of Unix/Linux.

I know plenty about Linux. Having used Corel, Caldera, RedHat,
Mandrake TurboLinux and Slackware, All current versions I feel I am
qualified to comment.

>I wonder where you got the idea that Linux is for everyone. It isn't. If
>you cannot or will not read, Linux is most definately not for you.

Where did I get that idea?

Check the COLA archives for that info. You have some nuts here that
think Linux IS for everyone.

>If you can read and don't mind doing so, you might find even with its
>shortcomings, Linux is far preferable to Dos/Windows.

If you look from an applications point of view you will see otherwise.

>Windows has its place and has enabled the lowest comon denominator in our
>society to run powerful applications run on sophisticated computers.  Does
>that mean it is a superior operating system? No.

The fact that 90 percent or more of the desktop world is running it
says something.
Where is Linux on the desktop?

>Learn to use Linux and use it exclusively for a year or two.

I don't like torture.

I couldn't even if I wanted to. It doesn't have the applications I
need to run my business. No surprise.

>Then your judgements, opinions, and comparisons between Windows and Linux
>will have more weight.

I have been dual booting for years and still Linux sucks.
>Until then you go into the killfile with the rest of the kooks.



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Is there a MS Word (or substitute) for Linux?
From: Robert Kiesling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 15 Oct 2000 20:01:45 -0400

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (.) writes:

> In comp.os.linux.advocacy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > You have to be kidding?
> > Latex?
> > barrrrrrrrrrrrrrffffffffffffffffffffffffffff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
> True, it does require half a brain to use.

Unless one tries using it under Winedoze, in which case it requires a
file system.


From: sfcybear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: A classic example of unfriendly Linux
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 00:11:24 GMT

In article <gYpG5.1280$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Erik Funkenbusch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "sfcybear" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> news:8scn46$m0j$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > > Thanks for the information.  I think it's a bit unintuitive to
have it
> > in
> > > some directory called mini, which I would (and did) assume was for
> > something
> > > called a mini which I wasn't using.  I don't claim to be a Linux
> > expert.  I
> > > only learn enough to do what I need it to do.  This is certainly
> > points
> > > for ease of use.  If I'm looking for a howto it should be in the
> > > directory, not buried in several subdirectories.
> >
> > My, with your comments about Linux in the past, one would expect
> > you were and expert. I guess you were just joshing us. Besides,
> > been here long enough to know that help is availble on the news
> > You don't need to be a linux expert to know that.
> I have never claimed to be an expert.  And have, in many threads
stated so
> (see some of the threads with Rex).  Newsgroup help takes hours to
days for
> responses.  It took just as long for me to find the answer than it
> have taken to get help on a newsgroup.  And yes, I tried IRC (several
> different channels on different networks), and was kicked for asking a
> stupid question.

Ya know eric, you really are getting old. I went to deja and did a news
group search on "linux masq firewall ipchains" and SKIMMING over the
responses I found the following links that are about the same as what
you said you spent hours looking for or would take hours or days to get
of the use groups. A serch, eric, are you saying you do not know how to
do a news group search to see if the info was already there????

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter da Silva)
Subject: Re: Why is MS copying Sun???
Date: 16 Oct 2000 00:10:02 GMT

In article <8s2bur$otj$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Simon Cooke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Now, if you're using Linux, how long does it take you to convert your
> X-Windows graphics display code to a postscript rendered so that you can do
> complex work?

.canvas postscript -file $filename -width $width -height $height ...

 `-_-'   In hoc signo hack, Peter da Silva.
  'U`    "Milloin halasit viimeksi suttasi?"

         Disclaimer: WWFD?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter da Silva)
Subject: Re: Why is MS copying Sun???
Date: 16 Oct 2000 00:03:44 GMT

In article <vSPE5.133$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Erik Funkenbusch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Actually, Notepad is an app that should only take any decent developer a few
> hours to write.

I should hope so. You could write a Notepad clone in Tcl, sans printing, in a
few minutes. The idea that it'd take a couple of weeks boggles me, as does the
fact that Microsoft hasn't replaced it with a 32-bit application.

 `-_-'   In hoc signo hack, Peter da Silva.
  'U`    "Milloin halasit viimeksi suttasi?"

         Disclaimer: WWFD?


From: Tim Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.society.anarchy,talk.politics.misc,alt.christnet
Subject: Re: Open lettor to CommyLinux Commy's, and all other commy's to.
Date: 15 Oct 2000 20:16:05 -0500

Colin R. Day <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
>Tim Palmer wrote:
>> >>>Apparently, humans colonized America long after the `monkey's were
>> >>>gone.  IIRC, it happened some 15000 or so years ago, when the first
>> >>>people made it to Northwesteern America from Northeastern Asia.
>> >> I heard it was 30,000 years ago.
>> >Was the NE-Asia inhabitated by then?
>> >I'm not sure, so you might pretty well be right.
>> The eatrh didn't evan existe back tehn, moran.
>The earth is about 4.6 billion years old, Tim.

No, stuppit, it's only 6 THOUSAIND years old.

>Colin Day


From: "Joseph T. Adams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Claire Lynn
Date: 16 Oct 2000 00:18:01 GMT

T. Max Devlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: Sorry, these aren't facts being made up as we go along; they can be well
: supported through both logic and evidence.  Linux is the best OS that
: ever was, because it is the only GPL PC OS.

It's not the only *free* OS (in the sense of freedom): there are the
free *BSDs, which are excellent as well, and mostly compatible with
Linux and almost all other free software. 

But since they aren't GPL'd, proprietary software vendors like M$ can
and do pick bits and pieces of their code and incorporate them into
proprietary products, which they then use to suppress freedom.

I wish the *BSD folks well, and think they're doing a great job
(especially OpenBSD - given a choice that is always what I'll use for
firewall and DMZ applications).

But I think they're just a bit more generous than I'm willing to be. 
I'd love to write free software that could be reused in other free
software projects, but I don't want to write something that a
Microsoft or other proprietary vendor might use to *restrict* the
freedom of other people.  Copylefted software can't legally be used in
this fashion; non-copylefted software, even if it's free, can be.

:  Windows NT is the crappiest
: (next to Win/DOS) because it is made by a monopoly, which prevents it
: from being developed in a way which would make it competitive as an OS.

I think it's crappy for more reasons than that just that.  The
original design of NT wasn't half bad, but they crippled it by: (a)
putting GDI crap into the kernel; (b) adding huge messes of
IA32-specific code; (c) making Win32 essentially the only supported
API; and (d) removing support for non-Intel platforms.

But you're certainly right in that the closed-source development model
shows very few signs of being able to keep pace with Linux and other
open-source software.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dustin Puryear)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Is there a MS Word (or substitute) for Linux?
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 00:24:18 GMT

On Sun, 15 Oct 2000 19:48:41 -0400, jazz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Please tell me more. For example, I just wrote a paper with someone in LA.
>I'm in New Jersey. I wrote a draft, emailed it to them, they revised it,
>resent it to me, I revised and made additions, sent it back, he revised,
>and I sent some additional parts, he put it all together, and sent it out
>to all the other authors, as a word attachment they all can read and make
>changes to.

One thing that StarOffice seems to lack is revisions. This can really be a pain
if several people are editing one document. As someone who has worked with 
several editors at a time I can say that Word is still champ when you need to
work with others and all work on one file.

I've found that a good solution is to use Word under VMWare. 

Dustin Puryear <$email = "dpuryear"."";>
Integrate Linux Solutions into Your Windows Network


From: sfcybear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: A classic example of unfriendly Linux
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 00:18:09 GMT

It's not a god thing it's just that eric has been sent to the usenet
many times and he still can not find information. I found at least 6
posts that had the information he wanted by doing a deja search (all
news groups) looking for "linux masq firewall ipchains". After all the
BS claims of technical know how eric can not even do a news group
search. It would have taken him all of 15 minutes at most. Pathetic
really and even more pathetic that you support him.

I mean take a look at how many posts he has made on use net and then try
to tell me he is not experiance enough to do a usenet search[EMAIL PROTECTED]%3e&ST=PS

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Welcome to the "elite" world of Linux. These folks have their
> collective heads so far up each others butts they can't eat, sleep or
> much less think, anything but Linux. if you disagree with the holier
> than now priests of the higher order Linux you are banished.
> Linus=God.....Not..........
> claire
> On Sun, 15 Oct 2000 17:30:28 -0500, "Erik Funkenbusch"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >have taken to get help on a newsgroup.  And yes, I tried IRC (several
> >different channels on different networks), and was kicked for asking
> >stupid question.
> >
> >
> >

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Before you buy.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dustin Puryear)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Is there a MS Word (or substitute) for Linux?
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 00:31:15 GMT

On Sun, 15 Oct 2000 19:44:43 -0400, jazz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>All I ask for is the ability to import Star Office files into Word. Possible?

Yes, it is possible. However, be aware that there are a few conversion issues.
In general, documents will be imported/exported properly, but I've found that 
sometimes tables and other odds-and-ends don't come out 100% correct. 

You should run StarOffice and create a few test documents that use the features
you will be using. Swap between SO and Word and see what happens. Make sure
that you create the original test documents in both SO and Word and do two
separate test.

Another possibility is to use HTML for true portability, but most publishing
houses will not support that.

Dustin Puryear <$email = "dpuryear"."";>
Integrate Linux Solutions into Your Windows Network


Subject: Re: Why the Linonuts fear me
Date: Sun, 15 Oct 2000 20:34:48 -0400

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

> Why do my posts generate so much hate and semi-intelligent insults
> from the Linux world?

Because you attack them where they're weak, and where they live.
People who post multiple times in a day, every day of every month, about the
merits of a computer operating system really don't have much to do
otherwise, do they? Other than live vicariously through the computer
operating system, that is. Trouble is, nothing about cola relates to
advocacy. It's about why they don't use windows. Why? Because they can't
advocate something that has very little to advocate. What is of merit about
Linux has been beaten to death. Open source, free, blah, blah.. what laptop
Linus uses...who cares? What server hotmail is running this week, wow!! So,
they result to attacking what they see as the opponent to build up what they
know is weak. I use Linux. I like it. But I have never liked or understood
the BS that comes from the zealot users in cola. So I come here for a couple
of minutes to watch the parade of fools, and cast a stone or two.

> Because you fear me that's why.

> Unlike the typical WinTroll, I actually use current versions of the
> software I am exposing. I have used every single distribution up to
> and including Mandrake 7.1 and with the exception of Slackware they
> all suck in one way or another.
> Sorry but it is true.

I wouldn't say they *suck*. I'd say they're not suitable on the desktop for
the *great* majority of computer users.

> Why doesn't Slackware suck? Because it is not trying to be a half
> assed clone of Windows that's why. It is Linux, does not try to claim
> otherwise and stands on it's own for better or worse.
> I respect that. Slackware is Linux at it's best, like it or not, it is
> an honest attempt at the Linux philosophy  and I like that.

Yep. Me too. But you know what? Slackware really sucks as far as what the
users you allude to want on their desktop. So, there you are.

> You yo-yo's are so caught up in your own pile of bullshit that you
> have not a clue as to what the rest of the world wants, needs or is
> asking for.

A tad crudely worded, but I'd agree for the most part.

> You think desktop users want Linux?
> Think again. You can't even give it away.

All they do is give it away. But then, you get what you pay for.
Think of all the burned copies, and cheapbytes and linuxmall cd's sitting
You could pack a land fill with that garbage. Once Dickey Desktop gets sick
of all that pixmap-
-sitting-in-front  -of-this-super-cool-transparent-Eterm-but-don't-know-what
-the-hell-other-to-type-than- ls, df, free, uptime, and top..they go back to
windows to have a decent browser, play some on and so on..

> You think we want (taking Terry Porters list) Compilers, editors,
> schematic diagram thingies, flowchart programs? Think again.

I use gnu gcc. But I'm more productive with Borland's turbo C++ from back
in the early 90's. Plus the documentation is abysmal.

> Again you are a collective bunch of idiots with blinders on.


> Linux is free. Yet you can't even give it away.
> Linux has had a LOT of positive press in the last year.
> Why is it not taking over the desktop?

Because it's a poor alternative to what most users need, want, and have.

> Seems to me, we Windows users invest a lot of money in software and a
> free system would be a plus for us?
> So what's the deal?

> The deal is Linux sucks at 99 percent of what the average person wants
> or needs a computer to do.

I'd have to agree on technical terms with this statement. However, I still
like it.
I just don't use it nearly as much as windows.

> You have half assed Windows clones that neither perfom as well nor
> have the features of the equivilant Windows programs. In some cases
> you don't have any equivilant at all (a decent browser).

Now we REALLY agree on something. Until someone in this open source panecea
realizes what MS realized years ago; that the internet is the market, then
there will never be anything close for linux users. And that's a real shame.
Netscape blows. Plain and simple. I don't agree with MS's business
tactics...but Netsuck proved that they could not compete with MS once MS set
their mind to make a better product. Then they whined to Big Brother...but
it was too late. They were peddling shit for a browser, still are, and
always will be.

> You fear me, because I have the facts, have used Linux and have come
> to the same conclusion that legions of others have come to. Linux is
> nice, but Windows is better. I just choose to expose this Linux scam
> for what it is. A scam.

> So, unlike Terry Porter who got pissed off back in 1997 at Windows, I
> will continue to try current versions of Linux and Windows and maybe,
> just maybe, someday I will switch to Linux.
> claire


From: "Joseph T. Adams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Is there a MS Word (or substitute) for Linux?
Date: 16 Oct 2000 00:35:36 GMT

In comp.os.linux.advocacy jazz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Larry Ebbitt
: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

:> jazz wrote:
:> > What is available for Linux? How about for Powerpoint and Excel?
:> StarOffice is a pretty good Office clone.

: Can you import/export to/from Word?

Pretty much.  The results won't be perfect, but they'll usually be

In the Linux world, we often prefer to separate content and
presentation.  This can be done with tools like DocBook.  With one set
of portable source, we can export to virtually any other format

All the tools you need to do this are portable and would run on NT as
well as Linux.



From: "Joseph T. Adams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Is there a MS Word (or substitute) for Linux?
Date: 16 Oct 2000 00:36:39 GMT

In comp.os.linux.advocacy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
: Tell that to your boss when you hand in your report and it looks like
: crap, all because you used Linux and he, along with the rest of the
: world, is using Word.

Professional publishers have been using Unix for decades.



From: sfcybear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Why the Linonuts fear me
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 00:28:08 GMT

Don't flater your self deerie. Your a joke here. No one respects you so
the are not polite in what they say. Get it?

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Why do my posts generate so much hate and semi-intelligent insults
> from the Linux world?
> Because you fear me that's why.
> Unlike the typical WinTroll, I actually use current versions of the
> software I am exposing. I have used every single distribution up to
> and including Mandrake 7.1 and with the exception of Slackware they
> all suck in one way or another.
> Sorry but it is true.
> Why doesn't Slackware suck? Because it is not trying to be a half
> assed clone of Windows that's why. It is Linux, does not try to claim
> otherwise and stands on it's own for better or worse.
> I respect that. Slackware is Linux at it's best, like it or not, it is
> an honest attempt at the Linux philosophy  and I like that.
> You yo-yo's are so caught up in your own pile of bullshit that you
> have not a clue as to what the rest of the world wants, needs or is
> asking for.
> You think desktop users want Linux?
> Think again. You can't even give it away.
> You think we want (taking Terry Porters list) Compilers, editors,
> schematic diagram thingies, flowchart programs? Think again.
> Again you are a collective bunch of idiots with blinders on.
> Linux is free. Yet you can't even give it away.
> Linux has had a LOT of positive press in the last year.
> Why is it not taking over the desktop?
> Seems to me, we Windows users invest a lot of money in software and a
> free system would be a plus for us?
> So what's the deal?
> The deal is Linux sucks at 99 percent of what the average person wants
> or needs a computer to do.
> You have half assed Windows clones that neither perfom as well nor
> have the features of the equivilant Windows programs. In some cases
> you don't have any equivilant at all (a decent browser).
> You fear me, because I have the facts, have used Linux and have come
> to the same conclusion that legions of others have come to. Linux is
> nice, but Windows is better. I just choose to expose this Linux scam
> for what it is. A scam.
> So, unlike Terry Porter who got pissed off back in 1997 at Windows, I
> will continue to try current versions of Linux and Windows and maybe,
> just maybe, someday I will switch to Linux.
> claire

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Before you buy.


From: sfcybear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Why the Linonuts fear me
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 00:29:24 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> On Sun, 15 Oct 2000 19:02:18 -0500, "Mike" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >
> >You really are a silly person. I'd wager that 99% of the people
> >this newsgroup have more experience with Dos/Windows than you. It
> >is kind of dumb for you to blather on about how great "Windows" is to
> >them.
> I doubt it. I go back well before DOS was a dollar sign in BG's eyes.

Hey, being a card puncher hardly qualifys.

> >They have also learned to use Unix/Linux and find that it
> >meets their needs better than the afore mentioned operating system.
> If I were running a server I would agree.
> >You however, cannot make an intelligent assessment of what the pros
> >cons of each are because you know nothing of Unix/Linux.
> I know plenty about Linux. Having used Corel, Caldera, RedHat,
> Mandrake TurboLinux and Slackware, All current versions I feel I am
> qualified to comment.
> >I wonder where you got the idea that Linux is for everyone. It isn't.
> >you cannot or will not read, Linux is most definately not for you.
> Where did I get that idea?
> Check the COLA archives for that info. You have some nuts here that
> think Linux IS for everyone.
> >If you can read and don't mind doing so, you might find even with its
> >shortcomings, Linux is far preferable to Dos/Windows.
> If you look from an applications point of view you will see otherwise.
> >Windows has its place and has enabled the lowest comon denominator in
> >society to run powerful applications run on sophisticated computers.
> >that mean it is a superior operating system? No.
> The fact that 90 percent or more of the desktop world is running it
> says something.
> Where is Linux on the desktop?
> >Learn to use Linux and use it exclusively for a year or two.
> I don't like torture.
> I couldn't even if I wanted to. It doesn't have the applications I
> need to run my business. No surprise.
> claire
> >Then your judgements, opinions, and comparisons between Windows and
> >will have more weight.
> I have been dual booting for years and still Linux sucks.
> >Until then you go into the killfile with the rest of the kooks.
> Whatever.
> claire

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Before you buy.


Subject: Re: Why the Linonuts fear me
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 00:46:25 GMT

Married with 3 kids?


On Sun, 15 Oct 2000 19:51:53 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(jazz) wrote:

>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>You know, the kind of relationships people have on usenet are generally
>the same kind they have in real life.



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