Linux-Advocacy Digest #328, Volume #33            Tue, 3 Apr 01 20:13:05 EDT

  Re: AMD is to Intel as "What OS" is to Windows? ("Cat")
  Re: AMD is to Intel as "What OS" is to Windows? ("Cat")
  Re: AMD is to Intel as "What OS" is to Windows? (Chad Everett)
  Re: XP = eXPerimental ("matt")
  Re: AMD is to Intel as "What OS" is to Windows? (Chad Everett)
  Re: AMD is to Intel as "What OS" is to Windows? ("Cat")
  Re: Microsoft should be feared and despised (GreyCloud)
  Re: XP = eXPerimental (GreyCloud)
  Re: Things Linux can't do! (Dave Martel)
  Re: Java, the "Dot-Com" Language? (GreyCloud)
  Re: Is StarOffice 5.2 "compatible" w/MS Office 97/2000? (Roy Culley)
  Re: XP = eXPerimental ("J Perry Fecteau")
  Re: NT multitasking: some humiliating defeats! :) ("Stephen S. Edwards II")
  Re: Java, the "Dot-Com" Language? (Jonathan Thornburg)
  Re: Communism, Communist propagandists in the this day. (GreyCloud)


Subject: Re: AMD is to Intel as "What OS" is to Windows?
Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 09:06:16 +1000

Hash: SHA1

Just another area that "The Evil Empire" hasn't gotten to yet or have they? If there 
is money
in any area of software development they will just out spend you using the untouchable 
of money that windows provides. What are you going to do when they dominate the server 
like the desktop? Unix dominates the big server market at the moment but wont once the 
amounts of money that "The Evil Empire" can spend on research kick in. If windows 
server scales much better than Unix what then?

Cat NEW THIS MONTH Would you cheat in a $100 
dollar lottery if you knew they wouldn't catch you? This is the problem with drugs in 
How do we solve it?  FREE APPLETS  JARS EDITORS CHOICE Articles that challenge your ideas about yourself and the world you 
live in.

"gbp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:tely6.38206$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Cat wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> >Hash: SHA1
> >
> >How do you improve the state of computing if no one uses it because
> you have no third party
> >applications.
> >
> >Cat
> Is this in reference to Linux or Java/JVM?
> OK its simple--- theres more to computers than the desktop PC.   Not
> every machine needs to be able to run MS-Word or the latest 3D game.
> Because Linux is a kind of Unix it has tons of software that runs on
> it.  This includes Oracle 8, DB2 and other high powered software.
> Ever use an ATM?  Does it use MS-Windows?  No it does not.  Neither
> do a lot of systems you seem to think 'have no software'.

Version: PGPfreeware 6.5.8 for non-commercial use <>



Subject: Re: AMD is to Intel as "What OS" is to Windows?
Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 09:09:57 +1000

Hash: SHA1

Where they free and open source? If there was a free open source version of windows 
that ran
all the programs I needed then I'd use it.

Cat NEW THIS MONTH Would you cheat in a $100 
dollar lottery if you knew they wouldn't catch you? This is the problem with drugs in 
How do we solve it?  FREE APPLETS  JARS EDITORS CHOICE Articles that challenge your ideas about yourself and the world you 
live in.

"gbp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:uIey6.30406$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> >
> >And what would that accomplish exactly?  Bottom line is, it would
> >never be absolutely, exactly, like the Real Thing (ie. "Microsoft
> >Windows") so most people wouldn't even bother.  The cost of the OS
> is
> >a tiny fraction of an overall system.
> >
> Your absolutely right.   When MS-DOS was king there were better
> versions of DOS for other vendors.  They ran the same software and
> cost less but not many people bought them.  Even IBM's version of
> DOS was ignored.
> When Windows 3.1 was king OS users claimed they could run win3.1
> programs faster than Windows users could.  I assume they were
> telling the truth, I've never meet one in person (because no one
> uses OS/2)!
> Hell business people won't even use a different WORD PROCESSOR than
> MS Word, even though they prob. could save money.  There is no way
> they are going to use a different desktop OS.  Get used to Windows,
> its here to stay for a long time......
> Linux is going to have to get to the point where is tens times
> better the windows before your average secretary will use it.  I
> know that thats what a lot of people are trying to make happen and
> more power to them.  But since we are all programmers and sys admins
> we tend to forget that people take classes and read books on how to
> use MS-Word and Excel.  A lot of people have a lot or time and money
> invested in microsoft and they don't like to hear bad things about
> it :)

Version: PGPfreeware 6.5.8 for non-commercial use <>



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chad Everett)
Subject: Re: AMD is to Intel as "What OS" is to Windows?
Date: 3 Apr 2001 18:01:44 -0500

On Tue, 03 Apr 2001 15:26:29 -0400, none <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Yes; When I mentioned this before, people misunderstood what I meant by
>> I'll be careful in my phrasiology this time...basically, M$ use
>>"drug-dealer", last time I said that people were totally
>>misunderstanding me...what I mean is that they give away free "tasters" and
>>such to get you "hooked" (that is, all your data in Excel, Media Player or
>>Word formata :) then make you pay through the nose later when you have no
>>choice left...
>You mean Microsoft is in the business of MAKING MONEY???  HOW DARE
>THEY?!  Why don't they just follow the lead of the .coms, give
>everything away, and go out of business in a year?

More than that Mr. Nowhere Man.  They are in the business of attempting to
be the ONLY company who will be allowed to make money...i.e. monopolistic
tactics...which, of course, they have been found guilty in court of


From: "matt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: XP = eXPerimental
Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2001 19:09:31 -0400

Just got home from office, will comment on this soon.  I have lots to say
about it :)


"2 + 2" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:9ad0qd$o6q$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> XP = eXPerimental
> It integrates the NT kernal.
> But it also integrates a part of .NET.
> And that involves some "Java" clone technology.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chad Everett)
Subject: Re: AMD is to Intel as "What OS" is to Windows?
Date: 3 Apr 2001 16:57:53 -0600

On Tue, 03 Apr 2001 15:26:29 -0400, none <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Yes; When I mentioned this before, people misunderstood what I meant by
>> I'll be careful in my phrasiology this time...basically, M$ use
>>"drug-dealer", last time I said that people were totally
>>misunderstanding me...what I mean is that they give away free "tasters" and
>>such to get you "hooked" (that is, all your data in Excel, Media Player or
>>Word formata :) then make you pay through the nose later when you have no
>>choice left...
>You mean Microsoft is in the business of MAKING MONEY???  HOW DARE
>THEY?!  Why don't they just follow the lead of the .coms, give
>everything away, and go out of business in a year?

More than that Mr. Nowhere Man.  They are in the business of attempting to
be the ONLY company who will be allowed to make money...i.e. monopolistic
tactics...which, of course, they have been found guilty in court of

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Subject: Re: AMD is to Intel as "What OS" is to Windows?
Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 09:12:43 +1000

Hash: SHA1

They can make all the money they like but why are they allowed to keep the source code 
for the
OS to themselves then use that to write other software for their platform in 
competition with
everyone else. Is that Fair?

Cat NEW THIS MONTH Would you cheat in a $100 
dollar lottery if you knew they wouldn't catch you? This is the problem with drugs in 
How do we solve it?  FREE APPLETS  JARS EDITORS CHOICE Articles that challenge your ideas about yourself and the world you 
live in.

"none" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> >Yes; When I mentioned this before, people misunderstood what I meant by
> > I'll be careful in my phrasiology this time...basically, M$ use
> >"drug-dealer", last time I said that people were totally
> >misunderstanding me...what I mean is that they give away free "tasters" and
> >such to get you "hooked" (that is, all your data in Excel, Media Player or
> >Word formata :) then make you pay through the nose later when you have no
> >choice left...
> You mean Microsoft is in the business of MAKING MONEY???  HOW DARE
> THEY?!  Why don't they just follow the lead of the .coms, give
> everything away, and go out of business in a year?
> ______________________________________________________________________
> Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Still Only $9.95 -
>    With Seven Servers In California And Texas - The Worlds Uncensored News Source

Version: PGPfreeware 6.5.8 for non-commercial use <>



From: GreyCloud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Microsoft should be feared and despised
Date: Tue, 03 Apr 2001 17:23:15 -0700

> Zed Mister wrote:
> > I sure as hell would not want to deal with tech support calls from users
> > who can't send or receive mail through hotmail if the isp admin decided to
> > block
> > access to it.  A huge majority of legitimate mail that passes through our
> > mail servers originates from hotmail.  If you're some sort of admin and
> > have actually gone ahead and banned hotmail access from your mail server,
> > prepare to be yelled at by your boss or worse.
> >
> > "Chad Everett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> >
> > > 550 Microsoft licenses are unacceptable. No mail from their
> > services will be accepted.
> > > 550 Microsoft licenses are unacceptable. No mail from their
> > services will be accepted.
> > > 550 Microsoft licenses are unacceptable. No mail from
> > > their
> > services will be accepted.
> > > 550 Microsoft licenses are unacceptable. No mail from
> > > their
> > services will be accepted.
> > > 550 Microsoft licenses are unacceptable. No mail from their
> > services will be accepted.
> > > 550 Microsoft licenses are unacceptable. No mail from their
> > services will be accepted.
> >
> >
> >
> My girlfriend uses MSN, and just as a side note, my isp has blocked her
> twice now, just because of domain name. Could it be similar to the number
> of porn related .msn emails I get from my hotmail account (Which I use for
> spam blockage) ???

I have a friend that uses WEB TV... guess what?  You can't say shit,
fuck, or any other word of choice without the content being censored by
What else are they censoring besides that?



From: GreyCloud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: XP = eXPerimental
Date: Tue, 03 Apr 2001 17:25:37 -0700

2 + 2 wrote:
> XP = eXPerimental
> It integrates the NT kernal.
> But it also integrates a part of .NET.
> And that involves some "Java" clone technology.
> At least in the hardware abstraction layer, they are starting with a JIT
> compiler, instead of a pure emulated VM.
> You heard of Java? That's the "DOT-COM PLATFORM. It runs on HYPE. Usually
> slowly.
> So naturally Microsoft XP has to have some of that.  :)
> The industry is beginning to go through a major restructuring, the first of
> the post dot-com internet era.
> And where is petilon? Has he been restructured?
> But of course, we have the people with a cause. I guess the whole point of
> having the cause in the first place is so reality does not intrude. Until
> the old pink slip comes.
> Or the discontinued project. Of course, the Java projects will all be saved.
> These are the PRODUCTIVE ones, no?
> Well, in a future parallel university, where 100% pure Java reigns. There's
> just no more money for these future projects in the CURRENT economy.
> By the time, the whole mess is over, all these things that took big teams
> will be done with some shrink-wrapped software PACKAGED AS A SERVICE.
> This is the only way the functionality provided will be affordable. Or else
> it won't be done at all.
> Wasn't that the whole point of the PC revolution? Allowing users to point
> and click where programmers were required before?
> "yes," the dot-com promoters would tell the eager investors, "everything is
> done in state-of-the-art Java."
> "We use nothing but million dollar Sun servers. It takes a lot of power to
> properly run Java."
> By the time the restructuring is over, the same capability will run on Linux
> for $59.95 monthly.
> Broke investor: "You mean, this BILLION DOLLAR WEB SITE is now one of 20 on
> the same hard disk on server # 273, the 37th box up on the rack?"
> Web Farm Admin: "Well, that's all they could afford after the bankruptcy."
> "I think the web site was sold at the bankruptcy auction for $1800. It was
> just a catalog, a shopping cart and some transaction processing. That's all
> included in our monthly ecommerce package for $30 extra montly."
> Broke investor: "I put my whole life savings in that company."
> 2 + 2

This from Sun Microsystems:

* Have You Heard...Many PC users who wish to get Microsoft's new
Windows XP may need more horsepower to run it, which may force 
early adopters to buy new PCs?
Publication: ZDNet News
Issue Date: 27 March 2001
Title: Windows XP--More Power To You,4586,5080226,00.html



From: Dave Martel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Things Linux can't do!
Date: Wed, 04 Apr 2001 05:18:10 -0600

On Tue, 03 Apr 2001 18:01:00 +0100, Toby A Inkster Esq

>I also know that I can kill Win98 by a careful combination of
>connecting by WinModem to the net, forcibly killing (by alt-ctrl-del)
>the dialer and then checking my mail with Netscape. It works almost
>without fail and the only way to recover is by hitting reset. I think
>even Gates himself wouldn't count this as a "feature". It's a crash,
>although totally expected by myself, given the number of times I've
>had to kill the MS dialer because it was hanging.

<> locks up my Win98SE hard every time I try to
access it using Netscape Navigator v4.08. I've got Netscape configured
to ignore java, javascript, and activeX, but it shouldn't matter
because my adblocker also removes all three.  

Is this any way to run an operating system?


From: GreyCloud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Java, the "Dot-Com" Language?
Date: Tue, 03 Apr 2001 17:37:20 -0700

2 + 2 wrote:
> Jonathan Thornburg wrote in message <9ad4u3$v9g$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> >In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> >Aaron R. Kulkis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>modern "RISC-based" CPUs are indistinguishable
> >>from modern "CISC-based" CPUs.
> >
> >In article <9a5cl7$mlu$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> >Mats Olsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> pointed out that
> >>    Almost indistinguishable. The "CISC" ones have a CISC->RISC
> translation
> >>stage when code is loaded from memory. Costs a bit, but nowadays more than
> >>offset by being on the leading edge process wise.
> >
> >The article
> >
> >   "RISC vs. CISC Still Matters"
> >   By Paul DeMone, Feb 13, 2000
> >gives a nice introduction to this.
> Interesting article.
> Try this link
> "The heated competition between Intel and AMD for the lucrative and high
> volume PC marketplace has pushed x86 CISC ISA-based microprocessors into
> 0.18 um CMOS processes well ahead of any RISC ISA-based processor. Besides
> higher clock rates, 0.18 um CMOS also permits the integration of large (256
> Kbyte) and highly associative, low latency L2 caches within the processor.
> As a result, x86 processors have temporarily eclipsed the integer
> performance of virtually every RISC processor. However, as always, x86
> processors are hopelessly behind nearly every non-embedded control RISC
> processor family in floating point performance.
> There is no doubt about the power and influence of the x86 processor market
> within the semiconductor industry. Last year over 100 million x86 processors
> were sold bringing in well over $20 billion in revenue and $ billions in
> profit. Contrast that to, say, the Compaq Alpha processor, which might sell
> in the several hundred thousand devices per year range and bring in several
> hundred millions of dollars of revenue to Compaq's semiconductor partners.
> This is why new x86 cores come to market at a much faster pace than high-end
> RISC processors and transition to newer and better semiconductor processes
> with less delay."
> Can Sun battle Intel in chips, IBM in the high end market and Microsoft in
> the software platforms areas all at one time with profits in the Dell range
> in a DOWNTURN?

Possible, because RISC is just that.. reduced.  Remember that IBM has
researched these IC fabrication technologies a long time ago.  These
"new" releases are now being done en-masse.  Apply that same technology
to RISC and still maintain a lower cost per chip than Intel.  But...
take a look at the stock market and its effects on industry as a
whole... layoffs!  The market is starting to tank and if the nasdaq gets
below 1300 it is all over with.  Very few companies will survive or
things will just stagnate.
I pulled out of the market last year around march.  Saw too many red
flags so I preserved my capital.  I'm still watching...

> 2 + 2
> >
> >--
> >-- Jonathan Thornburg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >   Universitaet Wien (Vienna, Austria) / Institut fuer Theoretische Physik
> >   Q: Only 6 countries have the death penalty for children.  Which are
> they?
> >   A: Congo, Iran, Nigeria, (Pakistan[*]), Saudi Arabia, United States,
> Yemen
> >      [*] Pakistan reportedly ended it in July 2000. -- Amnesty
> International
> >



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Roy Culley)
Crossposted-To: comp.unix.advocacy,alt.solaris.x86,comp.unix.solaris
Subject: Re: Is StarOffice 5.2 "compatible" w/MS Office 97/2000?
Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 00:01:56 +0200

In article <9acusg$ie9$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        User Bobkeys BSD Bob the old greybeard BSD freak 
> In comp.unix.advocacy Pete Mullins <pmullin@> wrote:
>> Regardless of how Word users look, they expect the documents that they
>> receive can be opened and intelligible. Since everyone uses Word, this can
>                                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Where do I find ``Word'' on my UNIX box?  I must be missing something?
> Just curious....

strings file.doc | less

Removes all the formatting crap and leaves you with just the text. I find
out about this from a guy who posted an article to some newsgroup a while
ago. He was a Unix contractor and received a word document from the boss
of the company he was contracting for. The boss obviously used the same
word document each time. He presumably just deleted the old contents and
typed away. Unfortunately for him he used fast save or whatever it is
called. When he ran strings on it he got loads of stuff including employment
details of employees including salaries etc. Don't you just love
Microsoft. :-)


From: "J Perry Fecteau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: XP = eXPerimental
Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2001 18:52:40 -0400
Reply-To: "J Perry Fecteau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

one can only dream as you are wont to do!

"2 + 2" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:9ad0qd$o6q$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> XP = eXPerimental
> It integrates the NT kernal.
> But it also integrates a part of .NET.
> And that involves some "Java" clone technology.
> At least in the hardware abstraction layer, they are starting with a JIT
> compiler, instead of a pure emulated VM.
> You heard of Java? That's the "DOT-COM PLATFORM. It runs on HYPE. Usually
> slowly.
> So naturally Microsoft XP has to have some of that.  :)
> The industry is beginning to go through a major restructuring, the first
> the post dot-com internet era.
> And where is petilon? Has he been restructured?
> But of course, we have the people with a cause. I guess the whole point of
> having the cause in the first place is so reality does not intrude. Until
> the old pink slip comes.
> Or the discontinued project. Of course, the Java projects will all be
> These are the PRODUCTIVE ones, no?
> Well, in a future parallel university, where 100% pure Java reigns.
> just no more money for these future projects in the CURRENT economy.
> By the time, the whole mess is over, all these things that took big teams
> will be done with some shrink-wrapped software PACKAGED AS A SERVICE.
> This is the only way the functionality provided will be affordable. Or
> it won't be done at all.
> Wasn't that the whole point of the PC revolution? Allowing users to point
> and click where programmers were required before?
> "yes," the dot-com promoters would tell the eager investors, "everything
> done in state-of-the-art Java."
> "We use nothing but million dollar Sun servers. It takes a lot of power to
> properly run Java."
> By the time the restructuring is over, the same capability will run on
> for $59.95 monthly.
> Broke investor: "You mean, this BILLION DOLLAR WEB SITE is now one of 20
> the same hard disk on server # 273, the 37th box up on the rack?"
> Web Farm Admin: "Well, that's all they could afford after the bankruptcy."
> "I think the web site was sold at the bankruptcy auction for $1800. It was
> just a catalog, a shopping cart and some transaction processing. That's
> included in our monthly ecommerce package for $30 extra montly."
> Broke investor: "I put my whole life savings in that company."
> 2 + 2


From: "Stephen S. Edwards II" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: NT multitasking: some humiliating defeats! :)
Date: 3 Apr 2001 23:58:24 GMT

T. Max Devlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

: Said Stephen S. Edwards II in on 2 Apr 2001 

: >Barry Manilow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

[Stephen sighs, as he must address yet another well-known idiot]

: >: He's my friend you moron.  That is more than "I heard".  The guy told
: >: me.  Did I see it?  No. I don't have to.
: >
: >* Stephen takes out his UltimateClueStickOfDeath(tm)...
: >
: >*THWACK!*
: >
: >He "told" you.  Hence, you "heard" it.

: How revoltingly rude.  You called it bullshit.  THWACK, hence you
: ultimately are clueless, as he has more information than you do over
: whether it is true.

His proof was "he heard it from someone else".  He
even admitted that he hadn't seen it done, and
that he was merely "told" that it was done.

: >: > > : run 110 programs at once on 50 MHZ and 16 MB, without even slowing
: >: > > : much.  Can Win-anything do that?  No.
: >: > >
: >: > > Again, prove it.  Show me a resepctable
: >: > > source that has actually done this, and
: >: > > I mean something other than your own
: >: > > anecdotal supposition.
: >
: >: One of my Amiga-using friends told me he did this.  
: >
: >You did the exact opposite of what I requested.
: >Can't you read?  I asked for a "source" other
: >than some "friend" of yours.

: Go do it yourself.  Is he on your payroll?  Give us a single reason why
: it wouldn't be so, how about that, maybe?

The burden of proof is on the person making the
claim.  I didn't make the claim... he did.  He
has to provide the proof.  Of course, explaining
this to a person such as yourself, who is well-known
as a trolling wanker, is ultimately useless anyway.

: >: > > : BeOS can multitask better than Win-anything.
: >: > >
: >: > > Really?  How exactly?  Please explain exactly
: >: > > how well tasks are threaded in BeOS, and why
: >: > > they are better than threads under WindowsNT.
: >
: >: Anyone knows Be can thread better than NT, anyone.  BeOS is massively
: >: multithreaded.  NT is not at all.  Some friends of mine run a business
: >
: >8<SNIP>8
: >
: >*sigh*  None of that stuff had an explanation in
: >it whatsoever.

: No, it was not meant to explain why NT is so relatively pathetic at
: multi-threading.  It did, however, show it.

With what?  Anti-Microsoft droning?  Horse hockey.

: >I didn't ask for more anecdotal
: >citations.

: No, you asked for evidence.  These anecdotal citations are the evidence.

No, hair-brain, they aren't.  Evidence is something
that I can verify.  It is impossible to prove something
through anecdotal citations.  In order to prove that
WindowsNT's threading is substandard to BeOS's, he
needs to cite a respectable source which has conducted
the test.

Get a clue, dimwit.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jonathan Thornburg)
Subject: Re: Java, the "Dot-Com" Language?
Date: 4 Apr 2001 02:03:06 +0200

In article <9ad4u3$v9g$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, I wrote
>> The article
>>    "RISC vs. CISC Still Matters"
>>    By Paul DeMone, Feb 13, 2000
>> gives a nice introduction to this.

Oops, my apologies, it's been pointed out that that URL is broken.
It should be

I've just checked, and that URL is alive and well...

-- Jonathan Thornburg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Universitaet Wien (Vienna, Austria) / Institut fuer Theoretische Physik
   Q: Only 6 countries have the death penalty for children.  Which are they?
   A: Congo, Iran, Nigeria, (Pakistan[*]), Saudi Arabia, United States, Yemen
      [*] Pakistan reportedly ended it in July 2000. -- Amnesty International


From: GreyCloud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Communism, Communist propagandists in the this day.
Date: Tue, 03 Apr 2001 18:01:38 -0700

The Spelling Troll wrote:
> Hello there, I am The Spelling Troll.
> Are you as sick as I am of bad spelling in these newsgroups?  Good, I
> thought so!
> As a free service, I will select random posts on this group, and will
> correct the spelling.  As a bonus, I will correct poor grammar from
> time to time as well.
> I will only accept correct English spelling, no American
> bastardisations of our beautiful language will be permitted.
> We've heard from Ms Kulkis of Buffalo Poo, Indiana again. Let's see what Ms
> Kulkis has done wrong today:
> On Tue, 03 Apr 2001 06:00:40 -0400, "Aaron R. Kulkis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >****ALLL**** forms of SOCIALism are about abolishing individual rights.
> ^^^^^ALL^^^^^
> You're improving, Erin dearie, but you must continue to try harder.
> Your'e Welcome!
> ***The NRA: Teaching Children To Shoot Each Other Responsibly***

***The NEA: The dumbing down of Americas children***




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End of Linux-Advocacy Digest

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