Linux-Advocacy Digest #499, Volume #33           Wed, 11 Apr 01 03:13:04 EDT

  Re: Another Newbie Here ("Adam Warner")
  Re: Basement Boy: Aka Aaron Koookis (Donn Miller)
  Re: Undeniable proof that Aaron R. Kulkis is a hypocrite, and a (Chad Everett)
  Re: Communism, Communist propagandists in the this day. (silverback)
  Re: Communism, Communist propagandists in the this day. (silverback)
  Re: Communism, Communist propagandists in the this day. (silverback)
  Re: Communism, Communist propagandists in the this day. (silverback)
  Re: Has Linux anything to offer ? (roger$@a)


From: "Adam Warner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Another Newbie Here
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 17:23:11 +1200

In article <iIKA6.1187$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Norman D. Megill"

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Adam
> Warner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Redhat 7.0 now requires over 100MB of patches to download to fix a
>> number of bugs and security issues since release. I'm looking forward
>> to 7.1.
> It's more like 200MB.  I have a script (just updated it today) that
> applies them all at once in the right way.  (If you do them one at a
> time following the instructions on their site it will easily take a
> day.)

Nice. I just download new updates from a FTP site by date. If "rpm -Fvh
*.rpm" doesn't work then I check out Redhat's web site. IIFC one of the
gotchas in this set of updates is glibc.

By the way I've just been checking out Ximian Red Carpet. Fantastic. It is
really cool. If anyone is familiar with Windows Update prepare to be

To initially get it up and running on Redhat 7.0 this is what I
downloaded and installed (rpm -Uvh *) from Ximian GNOME 1.0:


And then I just installed all the Red Carpet 0.9 packages (rpm -Uvh *):

gnome-vfs-devel-0.5-0_helix_2.i386.rpm gtkhtml-0.8.3-0_helix_2.i386.rpm
gtkhtml-devel-0.8.3-0_helix_2.i386.rpm libgal4-0.5-0_helix_1.i386.rpm

>From then on "red-carpet" will do its magic.

One problem I found is that I didn't install an Evolution snapshot fast
enough by modem. A new snapshot became available and the old files were
removed when I was 12MB into the download. I had to start red-carpet again
and obtain the newer snapshot.



From: Donn Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Basement Boy: Aka Aaron Koookis
Date: 11 Apr 2001 00:26:12 -0500

In comp.os.linux.advocacy Brent R <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> "Aaron R. Kulkis" wrote:

>> What I will tell you is that I'm *NOT* running Windows, and I'm *NOT*
>> running Netscape.

> Yeah, like I said, you're either running Windows 98 or you're running a
> (self-admitted by you) insecure system. Just what are you afraid of?

Like I said, if he is running Netscape, I don't think you can change the ID
string in the headers.  I think Netscape has some OS-identification code
hard-coded in the executable.  For example, I run the Linux version of
Netscape under FreeBSD, so the headers report what the Linux emulation
libraries are reporting to Netscape.  I'd like to change this to show that
I'm running FreeBSD, but I can't.  Well, I know it's not the most important
thing in the world, but there's some bots out there that try to get a rough
estimate of the percentages of operating systems in use by examining the
headers of usenet postings.  Probably won't give you the most accurate
estimate, but it gives you a nice sample to work with.

If you check out my other postings where I post from Netscape, you'll usually
find "Linux 2.2.12" in the ID string.  Here's what I'm really running:

uname -srm:
FreeBSD 4.3-RC i386

sysctl compat.linux:

compat.linux.osname: Linux
compat.linux.osrelease: 2.2.12
compat.linux.oss_version: 198144

So, this is why Linux 2.2.12 shows up in most of my headers.

<Blush> I'm really not supposed to be posting in COLA, as I run FreeBSD
most of the time</Blush>.

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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chad Everett)
Subject: Re: Undeniable proof that Aaron R. Kulkis is a hypocrite, and a
Date: 11 Apr 2001 00:43:25 -0500

On Wed, 11 Apr 2001 00:19:12 -0400, Aaron R. Kulkis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Chad Everett wrote:
>> On Tue, 10 Apr 2001 23:26:01 -0400, Aaron R. Kulkis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >WesTralia wrote:
>> >>
>> >> The Ghost In The Machine wrote:
>> >> >
>> >> > In comp.os.linux.advocacy, WesTralia
>> >> >  wrote
>> >> > on Tue, 10 Apr 2001 10:12:23 -0500
>> >> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> >> > >"Aaron R. Kulkis" wrote:
>> >> > >>
>> >> > >> The Ghost In The Machine wrote:
>> >> > >> >
>> >> > >
>> >> > >[...]
>> >> > >
>> >> > >> > Assembly might become a lost art....
>> >> > >> >
>> >> > >>
>> >> > >> Personally, it's still my favorite type of programming...
>> >> > >> followed by microcoding.
>> >> > >>
>> >> > >> Because elegance and efficiency are closely tied at that level.
>> >> > >>
>> >> > >
>> >> > >
>> >> > >I think I am going to be sick!
>> >> >
>> >> > Eh?  Please explain.  Unless it's related to some personal vendetta
>> >> > between you and Aaron, in which case don't bother. :-)
>> >> >
>> >>
>> >> Well, it's like this, I am going to be sick in Aaron's case in the same
>> >> sense that I would become sick if I saw Barbara Striesand (Babs) preaching
>> >> foreign policy and energy conservation.
>> >>
>> >> For a Wintendo98 DosLuser, Aaron and microcoding seem like strange bedfellows.
>> >> Translation: BS!
>> >
>> >Actually, I microcoded the PDP-11 instruction set, after writing
>> >a microcode simulator for a proposed CPU architecture.
>> >
>> >And yes, ran PDP-11 object code flawlessly.
>> >
>> Have you written any code in the last ten years?  How about the last five
>> years?  What about this year?
>Most of what I've done in the last 5 years has been shell scripting.

Well shell scripting is a noble activity.  Cheers.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (silverback)
Subject: Re: Communism, Communist propagandists in the this day.
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 04:08:47 GMT

On Wed, 11 Apr 2001 00:09:30 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(The Ghost In The Machine) wrote:

>In comp.os.linux.advocacy, silverback
> wrote
>on Tue, 10 Apr 2001 15:24:18 GMT
>>On Tue, 10 Apr 2001 16:18:41 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>(The Ghost In The Machine) wrote:
>>>In comp.os.linux.advocacy, silverback
>>> wrote
>>>on Tue, 10 Apr 2001 03:51:42 GMT
>>>>On Tue, 10 Apr 2001 01:24:34 -0400, "Aaron R. Kulkis"
>>>><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>>Goldhammer wrote:
>>>>>> On Mon, 09 Apr 2001 13:33:15 -0400,
>>>>>> Rob Robertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>>> > Right. Fascism is characterized by the *state-directed* control of
>>>>>> >the economy,
>>>>>> Hmm. Sounds like communism.
>>>>>Communism and Fascism are merely different sides of the same coin.
>>>>bullshit you lying sack of shit. Fascism is the polar opposite of
>>>>communism. They have nothing in common.
>>>For the record.
>>>Communism is an economic system, usually implemented by an
>>>authoritarian central government, at least under definition 1
>>>(which also states that it's theoretical; I'd have to state that we've
>>>never successfully implemented 100% pure communism -- or capitalism,
>>>for that matter).  However, definition 2a ( seems
>>>to be nearly identical, at least as far as power concentration is
>>>concerned, to fascism, although fascism also adds suppression of the
>>>opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of
>>>belligerent nationalism and racism.
>>sorry moron fascism is a right wing ideology. Fascism is always a top
>>down revolution by the elites and is nothing more than corporate rule
>>by the privileged class.
>>   Fascism is based on capitalism.
>Thanks for the ad hom, but the dictionary makes no mention of
>left versus right wing.  I for one am unsure exactly how to
>specify the diff; I like to think of it as a circle; at some point,
>the extreme right wing and left wing meet at the anticenter, where
>no one wants to be (the center is where everyone wants to be).
>I may have to do some more research, of course (after all, the dictionary
>isn't the be-all and end-all of everything). But I'm not at all sure
>the labels "left" and "right" convey as much meaning as they used to;
>the labels "conservative" and "liberal" are also corrupted (the
>Republicans like to be termed "conservative", but they're downright
>reactionary in some of their policies, nor is it clear what we're
>trying to conserve when we go back to "tried and true" values -- values
>that are now more or less totally borked).
>>>I rather doubt the intelligent layperson is going to care all that much
>>>about whether communism differs from fascism, as they both have
>>another lying republiCON.
>I take it you doubt my doubt.  Well, doubt away.
>As for Democrats, it's been fairly clear that their policies, while
>highly desirable from the people's point of view and rather successful
>(not sure if it's by design or by accident; one issue, for instance,
>is that the economy always goes up during Democratic administrations
>more than during Republican -- why, I haven't a clue, although I suspect
>it may be in part because of increased government spending), aren't
>exactly pure to the ideological core of the Constitution.
>I'll have to find it, but our now ex-President suggested at one point
>that we should conduct random weapons searches in housing projects,
>and Louis Freeh, who is still employed, suggested at one point
>(if memory serves; I can't find that quote, either) that the FBI
>should be able to decrypt any message required by court order (never
>mind the technological difficulties).  This may not be unreasonable
>(the FBI, after all, is supposed to investigate illegal activities),
>but it's very annoying -- and the fact he made such a statement suggests
>he's slightly clueless regarding the finer technical aspects of
>cryptography.  If he actually made it, that is.
>To be fair, the Republicans have their own problems; big money
>can do big corruption.  Teapot Dome, Watergate, and Iran Contra
>come to mind; all of them were during Republican administrations.
>(To be fair, the fault may be more on the shoulders of then-Secretary
>(of the Interior) Albert B. Fall, who actually engineered the deal.)
>Two older scandals.  The Whiskey Ring (1875) is, again,
>Republicans -- I think.  The XYZ Correspondence scandal (1798) was so
>early in our nation's history that there may be no elegant method to
>blame it on Republicans -- and in any event, they were the then-left
>party (the right wing were the Federalists).  (Source: Grolier's
>Of course, there's Monicagate, Haircutgate, FBIfilegate, and a few
>others -- but these are fairly paltry, apparently, even if
>the Republicans tried to remove Clinton from office, making him the
>second president ever impeached in the history of our country
>(Andrew Jackon was the first).
>Although FBIfilegate worries me.  (Note that the C-in-C is in charge
>of the FBI; he is therefore presumably entitled to look at any citizen's
>FBI file, if required -- but it still worries me.  Besides, why did
>the files end up in the then-First Lady's office?  Peculiar.)
>>>been responsible for wholesale slaughter in their most virulent forms
>>>(Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin), and, from what I understand, quite a bit
>>>of misery in their milder forms (the Taliban, Gorbachev, Yeltsin).
>>>It's not clear that pure capitalism will work miracles either -- I don't
>>>know if Dickens' _A Tale Of Two Cities_, which I haven't read, is a
>>>strawman, an observation lightly fictionalized, or somewhere in between --
>>>and a democracy can be the most terrifying tyranny of all, which is
>>>one reason why we have checks and balances and are set up as a representative
>>>republic with democratically-voted state representatives; the original
>>>Constitution, which has since been modified, had them voting for the
>>>Federal reps.
>>>The US also kills, as well; we execute a handful of people every year
>>forgot about how many thousands the drooling idiot raygun had murdered
>>in Central America to support his puppet fascist regimes?
>You forgot as well the hundreds of thousands we killed in Dresden
>and Tokyo during the firebombing, as well as The Bomb (twice);
>there are also issues as to how many villagers we killed in Vietnam,
>all of which I had neglected, and as you point out the fiascoes in various
>locations of the world, such as El Salvador and possibly Columbia
>(or was that Bush that snatched Ole Pineapple-Face?).
>There are also the deaths by malaria during the construction of
>the Panama Canal -- far fewer than the French, who hadn't figured
>out what carried the disease in their earlier attempt (the name
>"malaria" means "bad air", which is where they thought it came from,
>apparently).  People also died during construction of various bridges,
>and probably the railroads.  I know people died during the Apollo
>program, and Challenger.
>Are we supposed to lay down and let the fascists, communists,

take a good look around. The republiCONs are the fascists, they have
the same agenda.

>and such take over the world, instead?  Would that be a beneficial
>outcome?  Should we stop progress?
>The Tree of Liberty exacts its price; its price is human blood.
>Many think that price is worth paying.  Do you?
>Of course, like any payment, we should be careful, lest we pay too much.
>>>through the court system (this is determined state-by-state) and
>>>also a few through "friendly fire" (casualities inflicted by the enemy
>>>are now very few) while exercising our interests outside of the country.
>>>However, we might have executed at most a few thousand criminals since
>>>the turn of the century; between Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini, Europe
>>>and Russia lost as many as 100 million people; the Russians still have
>>>a woman surplus.
>>>So which is the worst system?  I'd say that the worst system is
>>>democracy -- but for all the others.  And even then, it has to
>>>be properly implemented, lest we decide tomorrow that all blacks,
>>>Jews, Chinese, Mexicans, or Irish Catholics are persona non grata
>>>by popular vote.
>>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- insert random misquote here
>>>EAC code #191       4d:04h:54m actually running Linux.
>>>                    You were expecting something relevant down here?
>>GDY Weasel
>>emailers remove the spam buster
>>For those seeking enlightenment visit the White Rose at
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- insert random misquote here
>EAC code #191       4d:23h:23m actually running Linux.
>                    Use the source, Luke.


GDY Weasel
emailers remove the spam buster

For those seeking enlightenment visit the White Rose at



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (silverback)
Subject: Re: Communism, Communist propagandists in the this day.
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 04:09:19 GMT

On Tue, 10 Apr 2001 19:22:55 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sam A. Kersh)

>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (silverback) wrote:
>>On Tue, 10 Apr 2001 01:24:34 -0400, "Aaron R. Kulkis"
>><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>Goldhammer wrote:
>>>> On Mon, 09 Apr 2001 13:33:15 -0400,
>>>> Rob Robertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> > Right. Fascism is characterized by the *state-directed* control of
>>>> >the economy,
>>>> Hmm. Sounds like communism.
>>>Communism and Fascism are merely different sides of the same coin.
>>bullshit you lying sack of shit. Fascism is the polar opposite of
>>communism. They have nothing in common.
>both are built on state control of the economy and setting certain

wrong you lying sack of shit. The Nazis let the corporations write the

>groups up as elitists leaders.  Germany had Hitler; Italy has Mussolini
>and russia had Stalin.  
>The depths of silverbacks ignorance is amazing...  Can't help but wonder
>if he's a closet commie.  Look at his diatribes on capitalism and
>backing of redistribution of wealth aka "welfare."
>Sam A. Kersh
>NRA Patron Member
>"The right of citizens to bear arms is just one guarantee against arbitrary
>government, one more safeguard against the tyranny which now appears remote
>in America, but which historically has proved to be always possible." 
>               -- Senator Hubert H. Humphrey (D-Minnesota)


GDY Weasel
emailers remove the spam buster

For those seeking enlightenment visit the White Rose at



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (silverback)
Subject: Re: Communism, Communist propagandists in the this day.
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 04:09:41 GMT

On Tue, 10 Apr 2001 22:35:21 -0400, "Aaron R. Kulkis"

>Mathew wrote:
>> On Tue, 10 Apr 2001, Sam A. Kersh wrote:
>> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] (silverback) wrote:
>> >
>> > >On Tue, 10 Apr 2001 01:24:34 -0400, "Aaron R. Kulkis"
>> > ><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > >
>> > >>Goldhammer wrote:
>> > >>>
>> > >>> On Mon, 09 Apr 2001 13:33:15 -0400,
>> > >>> Rob Robertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > >>>
>> > >>> > Right. Fascism is characterized by the *state-directed* control of
>> > >>> >the economy,
>> > >>>
>> > >>> Hmm. Sounds like communism.
>> > >>
>> > >>Precisely.
>> > >>
>> > >>Communism and Fascism are merely different sides of the same coin.
>> > >
>> > >bullshit you lying sack of shit. Fascism is the polar opposite of
>> > >communism. They have nothing in common.
>> >
>> > both are built on state control of the economy and setting certain
>> > groups up as elitists leaders.  Germany had Hitler; Italy has Mussolini
>> > and russia had Stalin.
>> So notorious Latin American, fascist dictators, such as Pinochet,were
>> really communists.
>Spot the strawman....
>You don't seem to get it, do you
>Communism and Nazism are ideological "kissing cousins".


>That doesn't meant that they are the means that they
>are closer to each other, in ideology, in form, and in practice,
>than either one is ANY other form of governance.
>> >
>> > The depths of silverbacks ignorance is amazing...  Can't help but wonder
>> > if he's a closet commie.  Look at his diatribes on capitalism and
>> > backing of redistribution of wealth aka "welfare."
>> >
>> >
>> > Sam A. Kersh
>> > NRA Patron Member
>> >
>> > ===============================================================================
>> > "The right of citizens to bear arms is just one guarantee against arbitrary
>> > government, one more safeguard against the tyranny which now appears remote
>> > in America, but which historically has proved to be always possible."
>> >               -- Senator Hubert H. Humphrey (D-Minnesota)
>> >
>> >
>Aaron R. Kulkis
>Unix Systems Engineer
>DNRC Minister of all I survey
>ICQ # 3056642
>K: Truth in advertising:
>       Left Wing Extremists Charles Schumer and Donna Shalala,
>       Black Seperatist Anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan,
>       Special Interest Sierra Club,
>       Anarchist Members of the ACLU
>       Left Wing Corporate Extremist Ted Turner
>       The Drunken Woman Killer Ted Kennedy
>       Grass Roots Pro-Gun movement,
>J: Other knee_jerk reactionaries: billh, david casey, redc1c4,
>   The retarded sisters: Raunchy (rauni) and Anencephielle (Enielle),
>   also known as old hags who've hit the wall....
>I: Loren Petrich's 2-week stubborn refusal to respond to the
>   challenge to describe even one philosophical difference
>   between himself and the communists demonstrates that, in fact,
>   Loren Petrich is a COMMUNIST ***hole
>H: "Having found not one single carbon monoxide leak on the entire
>    premises, it is my belief, and Willard concurs, that the reason
>    you folks feel listless and disoriented is simply because
>    you are lazy, stupid people"
>G:'re a retard.
>F: Unit_4's "Kook hunt" reminds me of "Jimmy Baker's" harangues against
>   adultery while concurrently committing adultery with Tammy Hahn.
>E: Jet is not worthy of the time to compose a response until
>   her behavior improves.
>D: Jet Silverman now follows me from newgroup to newsgroup
>   ...despite (C) above.
>C: Jet Silverman claims to have killfiled me.
>B: Jet Silverman plays the fool and spews out nonsense as a
>   method of sidetracking discussions which are headed in a
>   direction that she doesn't like.
>A:  The wise man is mocked by fools.


GDY Weasel
emailers remove the spam buster

For those seeking enlightenment visit the White Rose at



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (silverback)
Subject: Re: Communism, Communist propagandists in the this day.
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 04:10:11 GMT

On Tue, 10 Apr 2001 19:22:56 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sam A. Kersh)

>Mathew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>On Tue, 10 Apr 2001, Aaron R. Kulkis wrote:
>>> Goldhammer wrote:
>>> > 
>>> > On Mon, 09 Apr 2001 13:33:15 -0400,
>>> > Rob Robertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> > 
>>> > > Right. Fascism is characterized by the *state-directed* control of
>>> > >the economy,
>>> > 
>>> > Hmm. Sounds like communism.
>>> Precisely.
>>> Communism and Fascism are merely different sides of the same coin.
>>And Capitalism has state-directed controls on the economy too.
>True capitalism is a laize faire proposition.  And the prime rule is
>buyer beware.

and a totally unworkable system

>Sam A. Kersh
>NRA Patron Member
>"The right of citizens to bear arms is just one guarantee against arbitrary
>government, one more safeguard against the tyranny which now appears remote
>in America, but which historically has proved to be always possible." 
>               -- Senator Hubert H. Humphrey (D-Minnesota)


GDY Weasel
emailers remove the spam buster

For those seeking enlightenment visit the White Rose at



From: roger$@a <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Has Linux anything to offer ?
Date: 10 Apr 2001 22:06:30 -0700

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Rex says...
> If you are a student who
>would like to learn the principles of UNIX, if you are the secretary
>of a non-profit and want
>to put up a web-site, or if you just want to chat and e-mail, Linux
>has some
>really great tools to do this.

The problem is that on Linux, there is no consistant and coherant way
with how applications work. One can't cut/paste from one app to 
another like on windows. Application quality in general are less of
those that exist on widnows.

Let take some examples:

1. Using IE 6.0 beta, If I am on a web page, and do 'save', IE is
smart enough not only to save the HTML page itself, but also to
create a subdirectory with all the gif files on that page. This means
when one views the locally saved HTML page later on, it comes up with
all the images intact on it. There is nothing like this on Linux.

2. On windows, I can drag an image from my Visio document to my word
document and have it show up there. There is nothing like this on linux.

3. On Windows, when one starts a CD writes, the writes software
automatically scans scsi and ide devices and locates the CD-W device.
On linux, one must compile the kernel and do other hacks to get this
to work.

4. On linux, each distro has it own way interface and methods of how
to configure and update the system. On widnows there is one way.

5. On linux, it is still very hard to get a system working using 
anti-aliased fonts, without more user hacks and configurations. On
windows, it comes build in and the user has to do nothing more.

6. Printing on Linux is broke. On widnows, setting up a printer requires
no hacks as on linux. It just works.

7. On Linux, there are many different desktop environments, each work
differently. Applications written for one, might not work as expected
on another. On windows, there is one way to do it, making developer life
much simpler and users are familiar with how GUI applications are expected
to behave.

>PERL, Python, PHP, and other scripting languages, combined with KDE
>and GNOME components have made it very easy to obtain programs that
>can be packaged quite creatively. 

PERL, python, PHP all exist on windows.

>> Are CD-R and CD-RW easier to configure and use with Linux?

>This depends or your system.  Linux sports multiple "toasters", and
>the set-up for the read-write is a bit more involved.  On the other
>hand, the EZ-CD Creator
>used on most Windows CD-ROM burners costs over $100 retail.

CD writer devices come with a FREE cdwrites software  packages 
with it in the box, (for windows of course). 

>> Is the support for Display Cards, DVD, Sound Cards, Large Hard Drives and
>> Printers better?

>For the products that advertise Linux compatibility, the support is
>quite good.

There is no commerical DVD player for linux. What is there is
mostly hacks that does not support half of what a commercial
DVD players on widnows support.

>Some people like it because they like having the power and stability
>of a UNIX system.  

win2k is VERY stable. The stability claim is getting too old now.
need to find a new one.
In summary:
The Linux KERNEL is good. No one can argue about that. But to have
an OS for the end user has nothing to do with the KERNEL. The
main problem with Linux as and end user, is that there is no overall
guiding strategy and design to drive it. Each linux group decide to make
something as they please, a new Linux flavour is out each month. We now
have 75 Linux distro and counting. No standard way to do anything. From
application installation to printer setup to configuring the network.

It is like being in the kitchen with 20 cooks making one big dinner. Each
want to do the dinner their own way.

Unless this is fundemantly chaned, linux will never compete with windows
on the desktop. windows still claims 90% of the desktop. The reason is 
simple. It is simple to use and consistant in the way it works. 

Making something simple and easy to use is something the Linux advocates
find very hard to understand. Users do not want 20 different ways to do
the same thing. Users want the OS to hide the complixity of the machine
from them. Users want an OS that is easy to configure and manage and use.

So far, windows is winning in this area, if it were not, it would not
have 90% market share. (of course, you will blame this on MS marketing,



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End of Linux-Advocacy Digest

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