Gerakan IGOS (Indonesia Go Open Source) yang dicetustkan oleh 5 Departemen/Institusi Pemerintahan pada tahun 2004 belum pernah mencapai puncak kejayaannya, sebab sepertinya para Penggagasnya kehabisan bensin atau semangat kerja. Kecilnya anggaran yang dialokasikan membuat makin lemahnya semangat para pelaksana Gerakan IGOS-I. Gerakan ini mengalami pasang-surut kecil, layaknya riak gelombang laut di pantai Ancol Jakarta, tidak sampai membuat banjir besar di Ibukota Jakarta oleh pasangnya Gerakan IGOS-I. Syukur Alhamdulilah, angin segar telah dihembuskan oleh Pemerintah sekitar 2 bulan yang lalu melalui berita e-mail dari Bapak MenRISTEK Kusmayanto Kadiman, bahwa Pemerintah kembali bersemangat untuk menghidupkan kembali gerakan ini dengan akan digelarnya acara IGOS Summit-II pada tanggal 6-7 Mei 2008. Akankah gerakan IGOS-II ini mengalami nasib serupa dengan IGOS-I, bak riak-riak kecil dipantai Ancol? Hanya waktu yang akan bisa membuktikannya! Berita yang sedikit sensasional dibawah ini kami sampaikan agar dapat mengobarkan semangat IGOS-II bak kobaran api perjuangan "Bandung Lautan Api" atau teriakan "Allahu Akbar!" dari Bung Tomo dalam mengobarkan Semangat Para Pejuang 1945 di Surabaya dalam melawan Pasukan Sekutu tanggal 10 Nopember 1945. Sebuah laporan yang kontroversial dari The Standish Group International dengan judul: “Open Source costs Proper Software Companies US$60 Billion a Year” telah membuat kehebohan di Dunia Software Proprietary, Ringkasan laporan tersebut kami lampirkan dibawah ini sebagai referensi. Banyak yang menyarankan bahwa judul Laporan tersebut seharusnya seperti judul tulisan ini, yaitu: “Open Source Menghemat Bisnis (Customers) US$60 Milyar per Tahun“. Bagaimana bisa terjadi penghematan sebesar itu? Ini adalah karena banyak Perusahaan yang biasanya menggunakan Software Proprietary telah memutuskan untuk menggunakan Software-software Open Source dengan biaya yang jauh lebih murah, namun dengan performance dan features yang tidak kalah canggihnya. Cara perhitungan penghematan bagi Pengguna atau kerugian bagi Vendor Proprietary adalah mirip dengan cara menhitung kerugian Vendor Proprietary karena pengunaan Software Bajakan, dengan asumsi semua software di tiap PC yang tidak memakai Software Proprietary adalah memakai Software Bajakan. Menarik sekali tanggapan dari para Pembaca Laporan ini di Luar Negeri, yang dapat Anda lihat pada lampiran tulisan ini. Artikel ini kami buat agar kita semua dapat meningkatkan wawasan kita tentang berbagai perkembangan di Dunia Software, kompetisi antara Kelompok Software Proprietary vs Kelompok Software Open Source, serta bagaiman di semua negara terjadi Pembajakan Software Proprietary yang secara umum proporsional secara terbalik dengan Daya Beli masyarakat di masing-masing negara. Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat bagi para Pembuat Kebijakan di Indonesia. Wassalam,
S Roestam
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Open source ‘costs proper software companies $60 billion a year’
The sauce of some people By Sylvie Barak: Monday, 21 April 2008, 10:32 AM A VERY DUBIOUS NEW report claims that “Open Source software is raising havoc throughout the software market” and calls it “the ultimate in disruptive technology”. The Standish Group International, who pompously call itself “the leader in spotting future trends”, and also claims to be the bearer of “reliable IT advice built on a solid foundation of primary research” has published a report that suggests the outfit is more like a bunch of corporate payrolled blue pinstripe suits. The “study” claims that Open Source is causing “a real loss of $60 billion in annual revenues to software companies” on a yearly basis, as if to say that the thieving saucers snatched the money straight from the wallets of firms like Oracle, Apple, Adobe and the Vole. But to paraphrase in slightly more accurate terms than the Standish Group’s chairman, Jim Johnson, what the report actually points out is that: open source is so popular, that fewer people are buying its expensive and often mediocre software counterparts, making the corporate giants lose out on a tasty $60 billion a year slice of the market. Shame. Pass the tissues, sniff. Dubbing itself “Trends in Open Source”, the report outlines details of what the group reckons are the top 10 drivers that are influencing decisions on how IT is adopting open source technology. The fact that users don’t want to buy rubbish, expensive software when they can get rather good freebies, is not exactly top of the Standish Group’s list. Instead, the “shocking” use of open source by commercial and government organisations is mentioned as a driving factor by none other than former President of Oracle OnDemand, Timothy Chou. We would have told you more about the “thoughtful, objective and extremely useful” study, but we couldn’t be bothered to shell out the $1,000 per copy that Standish wants for it. Personally, we find that a bit greedy after all the money they were probably paid by the Vole and its mates to write the report in the first place. We’ll just wait for the Open Source version, if that’s OK. Beberapa tanggapan yang menarik dari Pembaca di Luar Negeri:
Who is losing $60 billion a year is a matter of perspective.
If I were a software vendor, I would of course argue that Open source is cost me 60 billion a year , if I where a consumer , I might also argue that software vendors are costing me 60billion a year too much !!
posted by : pfromg, 23 January 2008
Big Savings with open source
Big Savings with open source
I think more appropriatly the message is that consumers and companys are saving 60 Billion a year with Open Source. :-)
posted by : Don Juan, 23 January 2008
1/2 full, 1/2 empty
“a real loss of $60 billion in annual revenues to software companies” … doesn’t that really mean: “a real savings of $60 billion in annual expenditures by software users”. Not to mention money not spent by open source producers on products from Standish Group International. Proposed Standish Group motto:
First we take GCC, then we take G++.
posted by : hoohoo, 21 April 2008
Surely they mean
Surely they mean
Saves $60 billion a year.
Always amazes me how the captains of industry hate it when someone achieves the efficient economy they all claim to be seeking.
posted by : Tom, 23 January 2008
It’s fud
It’s fud
Where something is essentially free, many people will opt for it where they wouldn’t have otherwise shelled out for something at all.. and actually few people with money and the intent to spend it will be swayed away from a purchase by a freebie of pretty much the same thing. The millions of linux installations around, are NOT potential lost sales. I once worked this effect out once, and came to a rule of thumb of 10-20x exaggeration wherever someone claims there hard-earned money is being denied them by someone else handing out free stuff. I have about 4 different linux distros on my different machines, have microvole or applerot lost four sales? If linux wasn’t available, I wouldn’t have purchased 4 licences just to muck about (Yaaarrr would have pirated instead). Simple. Fact is, open source is enabling in so many ways, it’s probably generated more wealth than it has ’stolen’ from the Big Bloatware industry.
posted by : fudbuster, 21 April 2008
sometimes theres nothing better than a biased report on a biased report. Turns out two wrongs do make a right. Whether or not the figures are accurate (unlikely), the article suggests that the open sauce (haha) community is having a noticable impact on the all too long running software monopolies. imo that light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter and brighter…
posted by : zephod, 21 April 2008
paid by vole?
paid by vole?
I’m not entirely sure the report is paid by Vole, Apple, etc etc. Rather, I think it uses outlandish abstract to attract buyers to pay $1000 for the entire report. Some of today’s CxO’s are so gullible, they are willing to pay any amount for ‘authoritative’ ‘research’ reports.
Oops, was that out loud?
posted by : sharku, 21 April 2008
Saves companies
Saves companies
Open Source “saves proper software companies $60 billion a year”. What’s with you guys? So, the commercial side is loosing the edge on the competition. Or is it that software develops the same way whether it is free or commercial? Meaning, if software ends up the same or just as capable why would you not acknowledge that the end result is a savings to business and thus to consumers? Business would rather spend more of that money on R&D, on expansion, on better wages for employees (LoL at that one). But the fact remains that the money is still somewhere. It isn’t like the money disappeared for no good reason. The money is still there. They can still choose to spend that money on something else. In the end, Open Source will win over closed proprietary software. Why? Because development of packages ends in the same way. The question is just in how you get to that same end place. I say this is wonderful news and that companies that don’t understand the same about the desktop OS are going to be living in a terrible time when that time comes.

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