Dudi Gurnadi wrote:
> Facebook was planning to release a JIT compiler for PHP, a huge step
> toward making the PHP runtime - and PHP-based sites and apps - faster
> by taking the interpreted lagnuage (a.k.a., more human-readable code)
> a few steps closer to the bare-metal ones and zeros machines actually
> read.
> informasinya ada disini:
> http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/facebook_gets_faster_debuts_homegrown_php_compiler.php
> http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/update_facebook_rewrites_php_runtime_with_project.php
> pertanyaan saya:
> masih terkait sama soal lisensi, mungkinkah kalau facebook tidak
> membebaskan source codenya, mengingat facebook terikat kontrak secara
> langsung dengan developer core php?

Lha, php-nya sendiri source codenya juga free kok :P
Di http://developers.facebook.com/news.php?blog=1&story=358 developernya
bilang ini bakal dilepas ke komunitas, open source.

Donny Kurnia

Berhenti langganan: linux-aktivis-unsubscr...@linux.or.id
Arsip dan info: http://linux.or.id/milis

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