On Fri, 15 Feb 2008 04:26:45 EST, Gene Heskett said:
> On Friday 15 February 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >On Thu, 14 Feb 2008 13:32:02 EST, Gene Heskett said:
> >> Nvidia vs 2.6.25-rc1 being a case in point, and they (nvidia) are
> >> appearing to indicate its not a problem until some distro actually ships a
> >> kernel with the changes that broke it.  That could be months or even a
> >> year plus.
> >
> >Actually following the NVidia forums indicates otherwise:
> >
> >http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=107144
> >
> >I expect Zander will be posting a patch rather soonish, for some value of
> >soonish.  And if you're running a -rc or -mm kernel, patching the 169.09
> >drivers should be well within your abilities....
> Not so for the binaries, existing patches do make it compile but it still 
> upchucks someplace in the binary, or was this time yesterday.

Umm.. if you actually *read* the mentioned thread, you'll see that "existing
patches" are known to be incomplete, complete with the "upchucks in the binary"
(mentioned at entry number 9 of the thread), and that Zander already knows
about it (entry #11), and has apparently one remaining issue left to resolve
(entries #32 and #36).

And entry #36 is what the NVidia engineer doing the work was thinking about
20 hours ago.  Interpret it as you will...

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