Now that the Krait Processor Sub-system (KPSS) Watchdog driver has been pulled
into Wim's tree destined for 3.18, add descriptions of the WDT in the relevant
device trees, and include the driver in qcom_defconfig.

Josh Cartwright (4):
  ARM: qcom: add QCOM_WDT driver to qcom_defconfig
  ARM: qcom: add description of KPSS WDT for IPQ8064
  ARM: qcom: add description of KPSS WDT for APQ8064
  ARM: qcom: add description of KPSS WDT for MSM8960

 arch/arm/boot/dts/qcom-apq8064.dtsi | 15 +++++++++++++++
 arch/arm/boot/dts/qcom-ipq8064.dtsi | 15 +++++++++++++++
 arch/arm/boot/dts/qcom-msm8960.dtsi | 15 +++++++++++++++
 arch/arm/configs/qcom_defconfig     |  2 ++
 4 files changed, 47 insertions(+)

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