Tie in?

Tie someone into a specific distribution because that is the first one they tried and had something they liked.

This is FLOSS, right? Nobody gets to tell people what to do or not in the end. So if anyone wants to create 'arbitrary' extensions, he will. No profiles, no nothing change that.

EXACTLY my point. When do they cease being arbitrary extensions and instead be something a bit more structural for those programming the host to have a basic idea of what they should do to support the majority of plugins.

It's a wild software jungle out there anyway and I really do think we have to rely on distributors to make it more handable for the average user, where average user refers to everyone who is for whatever reason not able or inclined to go out there to explore, test and learn.

I would completely disagree, that seems like a very lazy way of doing things(No offense intended to you personally Thorsten). Oh this seems to difficult, let someone else do it.

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