Danni Coy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I am posting here since the Jack-Rack Mailing list is looking decidedly 
> unmaintained.

I do keep an eye on the list, but Sourceforge's complete lack of spam
filtering makes it a pain to keep the archives clean. But yes, I'd
imagine anyone who's interested is probably subscribed to this list

> I have discovered a small bug in jack-rack which I at the moment
> cannot seem to find the source of. Which is that feedback for midi
> devices is sent one channel greater than it should be.

Looking at the code, there was a +1 in the code that receives MIDI
events but no equivalent in the code that sends them, so it was
incorrectly sending 1-based channel numbers to ALSA. I've fixed it in
CVS and it appears to behave correctly now; please could you give it a
try and let me know if it's OK for you?

If you don't want to pull the CVS version, I've put the fix here:


Adam Sampson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                         <http://offog.org/>
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

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