On Thu, 2007-11-29 at 10:00 +0000, Krzysztof Foltman wrote:
> Dave Robillard wrote:
> > IP doesn't dictate packet contents whatsoever.  It does what it needs to
> > do quite well, I don't think it's crufy at all.  It would be crufty if
> > it tried to define, say HTTP error codes...
> That's right. Lars addressed that criticism pretty well, I think. The
> "evolved" proposal is both keeping headers and data in the same place
> and keeping event semantics on separate layer from event transport.

?  This is how LV2 MIDI always has been, and is exactly what I meant in
my initial reply.

> > Please look at the definition of the LV2_MIDI struct in lv2-midiport.h.
> > Note the char* parameter, and read it's comment.  The buffer is flat,
> > there is no cache thrashing or any such issues here whatsoever.
> Here it comes:
>       char*      buf;      ///< raw event  data
> Maybe you meant to write this?
>         char       buf[];   ///< raw event data directly follow here

This is very clearly and explicitly documented in the header (which I
didn't write, BTW)

> Because char* usually means, you know, a pointer, not a variable length
> array :)

.... char buf[] is, you know, equivalent to char* buf.  You do know C,
yes? ;)


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