A friendly request for people making announcements: Please start with
a one-line summary of what your project *is*.  It's really helpful for
those who haven't been paying attention to your project.


- PW

On Thu, Feb 07, 2008 at 06:34:24PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> We are jubilous to announce CLAM 1.2 'GSoCket plugged-in release'.
> We had to wait for some months to make this release as we had to 
> redeploy the multiplatform release infrastructure [1]. Thus, the 
> feature buffer for this release is pretty full. It incorporates both, 
> the results of the Summer of Code [2] students work and the 
> involvement of David and Pau with Barcelona Media Foundation Audio 
> Research Lab[3].
> We want to thank the involvement of GSoC students Hernan Hordiales[4],
> Bennet Kolasinsky[5], Greg Kellum[6], Andreas Calvo, Roman Goj[7] and
> Abe Kazemzadeh, Google Inc, and Barcelona Media audio lab members
> for their precious involvement in CLAM.
> [1] http://clam.iua.upf.edu/testfarm/
> [2] http://clam.iua.upf.edu/wikis/clam/index.php/GSoC_2007
> [3] http://www.barcelonamedia.org/index.php/linies/10/en
> [4] http://h.ordia.com.ar
> [5] http://bennettdoesclam.blogspot.com
> [6] http://gregkellum.com
> [7] http://ro-baczek.blogspot.com
> A summarized list of changes follows. See also the CHANGES files[8] 
> for details, or the development screenshots[9] for a visual guided tour.
> As usual binary packages for Windows, MacOSX and several flavors of Linux
> are available to download.
> [8] http://iua-share.upf.edu/svn/clam/trunk/CLAM/CHANGES
> [9] http://clam.iua.upf.edu/wikis/clam/index.php/Development_screenshots
> Summary of changes:
> The most exciting feature is the new plugin system (acalvo)
> which enables third party algorithms to be distributed separately
> from the core binaries. LADSPA plugins support has been enhanced 
> and a first iteration on FAUST[10] integration. The wiki[11] contains 
> very nice how-to's that cover most of that.
> [10] http://faust.grame.fr/
> [11] http://clam.iua.upf.edu/wikis/clam
> Most of the GSoC work come as plugins: a SMS Synthesizer (gkellum), 
> a Voice synthesis/analysis (akazem) and some some cool guitar effects 
> (hordia). Also not included as plugins but in the main repository 
> several enhancements have been done on the SMS transformations (hordia)
> and the tonal analysis (rgoj).
> Some interesting work has been done on the Barcelona Media Audio Lab
> on having a system to simulate 3D room acoustics which can be reproduced 
> on several exhibition systems. Some precomputed room databases are 
> available to try. Check the wiki NetworkEditor Tutorial for more 
> information.
> Regarding the applications, Network Editor incorporates new usability 
> enhancements, a new on-line Tutorial and a new Spectrogram like view.
> The Annotator received Bennet Kolasinsky attention improving its the 
> flexibility of its interface, the practical effects are multiple 
> segmentation and low-level descriptors panes and that we are pretty 
> close to visualization and auralization plugins.
> Enjoy.
> The CLAM Team
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Paul Winkler
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