On Wed, 2008-04-16 at 22:41 +0200, Mario Lang wrote:
> You are not really following what I am trying to get across.  Cross 
> compilation
> isn't the issue.  The issue is that something as generic as i386 (or i686 for
> rpm based distros IIRC) actually targets a lot of different types of hardware.
> It can run on pretty old pentium based CPUs, but also modern
> systems.  A binary distributor has no way of knowing which
> CPU is going to be used, ...

The distributor has one tool at his disposal, the package-manager. This
will know where it lives and could (potentially) choose the right

For Intel vector code unfortunately, the current naming system with -386
-586 and -686 packages isn't very helpful because what we really need to
know is the processors mmx/sse level and wether it can deal with
denormals in a civilized manner. (An army of programmers to take
advantage of and verify systems we have only read about on the 'net
would be handy as well, thankyou ..)

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