On Tuesday 05 August 2008, Albert Graef wrote:
> Patrick Shirkey wrote:
> > Exploding/burning water has been done and it is definitely absolutely
> > possible.
> Sure. Getting net energy from that is the hard part. :)
> Reminds me of a story by Stanislaw Lem where Prof. Tarantoga is visited
> by one of those crackpots who's invented a perpetuum mobile, claiming
> that it's a real device. He keeps on turning the handle on that thing,
> "See, it's working! I don't have to turn the handle, just ignore that,
> it would work anyway!" Hilarious. Anyone else know that story?

Yep, i have it in a collection of his radio plays called "Mondnacht" (german 
translated title). There are other nice stories in there.. Like the one where 
Tarantoga has devised a machine for instant travelling and they visit 
(Tarantoga and his assistant) strange places in the unmistakable Lem-Style 
(e.g. they meet The Creator and he admits to have created humans by accident 
because he failed to stir the starmush continously, so it burnt which lead to 
proteins and thus to human life) :)


P.S.: I once planned to read all of Lem's fiction. Haven't quite got through 
yet. Too many papers and textbooks to read in the evenings ATM..

Palimm Palimm!
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