Pete Black wrote:
> I live in Wellington, New Zealand, and i'd like to reassure others on 
> this list that not all those who inhabit this place behave like this.

Nah, most people in Wellington are complete wankers.

> Patrick, if you'd please just concentrate on subjects that had some 
> relevance to Linux audio development, 
Sorry Pete, are you suggesting that Linux Audio Development is a very 
specific niche that has no relevance to general daily goings on and my 
chosen topics are irrelevant. Maybe if there was more discussion on this 
list my topics wouldn't be taking such a center stage.

> If you want to stimulate interesting discussion to liven up the list, 
> then surely you can think of a way to do it thats actually on-topic.

How long have you been reading this list?

There was a time when it was 200 messages a day on various topics under 
the sun. Most of them relevant and some of them highly irrelevant.

There have been plenty of things said by various people that could be 
deemed offensive. I have participated myself. There are also plenty of 
things that have been said by people that have turned out to be complete 
BS. For example. VST plugins will never work on Linux. That was a good 
one. Several highly respected members were adamant it would never 
happen. Then it only took one person to figure out how and now look at 
the state of VST in Linux. Pretty good now from what I've seen.

Patrick Shirkey
Boost Hardware Ltd.

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

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