On Tue, 06 Jan 2009 11:10:40 +0100
Grammostola Rosea <rosea.grammost...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Patrick Shirkey wrote:
> > Daire O'Neill wrote:
> >   
> >> Hi all,
> >>  
> >> My name is Daire O'Neill. I've just joined the list to hopefully
> >> begin my learning on audio development and possibly to contribute
> >> to some current projects. As a beginner, I have only basic C/C++
> >> skills, and have never worked on any major project before. I do
> >> have a good knowledge of audio technology and some basic DSP
> >> concepts, its the programming side of things that lets me down!
> >> I'm currently working my way through 'Accelerated C++' by Koenig
> >> and Moo though, so I'm learning every day. I really want to learn
> >> about audio development and become involved with an audio project,
> >> particularly a multitrack recorder. I would like to be able to
> >> write my own simple multitrack recorder eventually. Anyway, if
> >> anyone has any tips or suggestions, or can recommend a project
> >> where I could be of help, then please let me know.
> >>  
> >>     
> > Hi,
> >
> > Welcome to Linux Audio Development.
> >
> > There are several projects that you may be interested in
> > contributing to.
> >
> > The most advanced is Ardour. It uses c++ and you will learn a lot 
> > studying the code.
> >
> > There is also Audacity which is cross platform so that could be
> > another good app to get involved with.
> >
> > For a full list of apps check out the apps wiki
> >
> > http://apps.linuxaudio.org
> >
> >
> >   
> >
> I know Audacity was searching for a JACK developer to get better JACK 
> support.
> You also can take a look here for some small projects:
> http://linuxmusicians.com/viewforum.php?f=44

Traverso is also looking for developers, it's C++/qt4 and has an
unusual UI concept.
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