2009/1/18 Sebastian Moors <mau...@smoors.de>:
> ... But i would like to point out two important facts:
> 1.It shouldn't rely on a particular plugin type. Lv2 is coming and it
> should be supported as well. No big problem so far..
> 2.It shouldn't rely on a special library (parser,database..). Free audio
> software is often used not only on linux - hydrogen (for example) is
> available for linux, windows and mac os x. This makes me think that
> plain text files would be a good choice for this task. Just keep it
> simple..

> But how shoud  those files be stored ? As a subfolder in ladspa/lv2
> plugin directories? Or in a seperate directory, something like
> "~/.plugin-presets/" ?
> (Ok, plugin-presets could lead to some confusion...)

For the format, let me suggest JSON.
It's a plain text format. Supports utf-8.
Parsers for different languages already exist.
Properties can be nested. Human editing is simple.

More info here:

The path might depend:

Main config file:

The main_config could suggest the host to load plugins of different types
in this case... and the plugins could store data (wav files, etc.. )
in its subfolders ...

We could setup a draft at:

..and gather suggestions for parameter names, options, and groups there.

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