Stéphane Letz <> writes:

> He all,
> A picture to try  summary what I understand about we would like :
> - a new shared library called "" : is does implement
> the so called control API and a IPC mechanism to use it.
> -  "jackcontrol" is an *always" running deamon that defined an entry
> IPC point.  jackcontrol get requests from control applications.
> "jackcontrol" can start a seprated server called "jackserver (using a
> fork+exec) way. "jackcontrol" is a *unique* place where setting are
> handled.
> - "jackd" is a recoded  control application that parse it's command
> line, and use the control IPC to speak to "jackcontrol" (then just
> quits). jackcontrol then start the "jackserver" whith the appropriate
> paramaters.
> - "jackddbus" is a D-Bus aware control application; It receive DBus
> requests and translate them to control IPC to speak to "jackcontrol".
> jackcontrol then start the "jackserver" whith the appropriate
> paramaters
> - "" speaks also to "jackcontrol" using the control IPC: an
> client that auto-start actually use this mecanism
> Does it helps?
> Stephane

As alternative diagram we already have the old one:

Instead of three IPC layers between pyjack(laditools now), you have only
one. I like the architecture described in this diagram.

Nedko Arnaudov <GnuPG KeyID: DE1716B0>

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