[Damon Chaplin]
>caps   memory errors in 3 plugins

Thanks for pointing out the make invocation.  I haven't used valgrind 
before so my cluelessness may show again in what follows.

Anyway, when running this:

$ valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes
  ./test-ladspa -p caps

I see this in the final summary:

==12021== ERROR SUMMARY: 7 errors from 7 contexts (suppressed: 33 from 

followed by a lot of what I suppose are call traces - are they?

If they are, they all involving the g_malloc interface.  However, this 
interface isn't used by caps at all.

I do see valgrind complaining about the use of an unitialised variable 
in some of the plugins (not entirely impossible), but given the memory 
leak summary I fail to see which plugins if any are affected.

Cheers, Tim
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