On Tuesday 28 July 2009 12:33:19 you wrote:
> > P.S. Bob kicked me off his Yahoo group with this "new" release he
> > just made.
> > Why would he do that? He never let me post any message previously
> > without
> > censoring or dumping them. So I haven't even sent any that might be
> > questionable to him since last year because of this. He is just
> > trying to
> > prevent me from getting at the files he is releasing. Apparently he
> > must be
> > afraid of something or doing something wrong. And he is, GPL
> > violations still
> > exist on that group with this release. Go check for yourselves.
> >
> > Can you see more now the kind of person he is?
> I blocked you last Friday, actually, when you were sending me those
> flaming messages, not last night when I posted the release. I was
> actually getting quite disturbed about your behavior, and thought it
> best to detach. These are the kinds of things you are bringing on with
> your attitude. As owner of that group, I can do what I want with it,
> just as you say you can do what you want with my sources.

Liar. I checked numbers of times over the weekend and it is only now after
you announce this release that I am banned, not blocked.

Yes, you can do what you want on your group, but I never sent any
messages to your group. Liar.

> There is no GPL violation on that site, because the sourceforge URL
> for the new release is clearly given. The source for the old release
> is still on the site itself.


> Give me a break. I really can't spend my entire day answering these
> messages.
> I've tried to put my best foot forward in posting the sources as I
> said I would. I spent all of last evening doing it and got it to a
> level where it builds. Could someone other than you please tell me
> what I should add to be in compliance if I am not?

I told you last year, but you would not listen. Now, hear you come
with crocodile tears, once I have managed to motivate you to action.
Oh, poor you.


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