On Tuesday 28 July 2009 15:25:51 Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> Grammostola Rosea wrote:
> > Robert Keller wrote:
> >> Arnold, thank you. I think I have everything in SF now. I added GPL
> >> notice to the package-info.java files and added INSTALL.txt,
> >> COPYING.txt, and LICENSE.txt.
> >>
> >> Is there anything else I should have?
> >>
> >> I appreciate your help.
> >
> > In Copying it's say: GPLv2 or at your option, any later version.
> > License says GPLv3
> >
> > Don't know if that's a problem...
> >
> >
> > \r
> Everything seems to be fine now :). I guess the rest is fine tuning and
> can be done bit by bit ;), if there should still be anything to do.

Wrong. GPL is still being violated by Keller on his Yahoo group.
The actual reason for kicking me off there is so that I won't be
able to see what files are there and check for violations.

It does not work though, because I already got back on and checked.
GPL violations everywhere. And these are with the supposed new
stuff he just put up, as well as old stuff.

Basically, he is one big fat liar.

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