On 28 Jul 2009, at 19:04, Tim Goetze wrote:

> [Paul Davis]
>>> So will it link on OSX if I remove -nostartfiles?
>> i'd suggest copying what swh's makefile does, which is something  
>> like this:
>> gcc -flat_namespace -undefined suppress -o .libs/ringmod_1188.so
>> -bundle  .libs/ringmod_1188.o  -lm -march=i686 -nostartfiles
>> clearly, i was talking out of my rear end about -nostartfiles
> Thanks, unfortunately I don't feel much wiser now.  The
> developer.apple.com copy of the OSX ld man page simply says
>  -bundle     Produce a mach-o bundle that has file type MH_BUNDLE.

It's a looong time ago I figured out those options, but if I remember  
correctly it's required to let you build real .so files.

Because of the way the Mach kernel loads libraries, OSX libraries are  
not generally Mach-O bundles (.so-s), which are what you need to  
dynamically load objects. They're usually .dylib files - some other  
sort or Mach object.

- Steve
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