On Sun, 2009-11-08 at 21:05 +0000, Chris Cannam wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 8, 2009 at 9:03 PM, Nedko Arnaudov <ne...@arnaudov.name> wrote:
> > Chris Cannam <can...@all-day-breakfast.com> writes:
> >> On Sun, Nov 8, 2009 at 8:57 PM, Stefano D'Angelo <zanga.m...@gmail.com> 
> >> wrote:
> >>> 2009/11/8 Nedko Arnaudov <ne...@arnaudov.name>:
> >>>>  * Dynmanifest support in version 5 (and maybe even for latest git) is
> >>>>   for an old version of dynmanifest.
> >>>
> >>> Git version is for the current version ;-)
> >>
> >> What is dynmanifest?  I can't see it in the wiki.
> >>
> >> (changing subject line to avoid polluting thread)
> >
> > http://lv2plug.in/ns/dev/dyn-manifest.lv2/dyn-manifest.html
> >
> > (first hit in google)
> I see.  I understand from this that it's a dynamic manifest generator.
> What is a dynamic manifest generator?

Normally, LV2 data is in a static .ttl file.

This extension allows it to be dynamically generated by calling
functions in the library to do so.


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