On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 1:43 PM, Gabriel M. Beddingfield
<gabrb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I've only just discovered (because of your email and another pointer
>> to the list from LAU) that any of this session management stuff was
>> being discussed on jack-devel.
> Well, when you're talking about changes to the JACK API, that discussion
> belongs on Jack-Devel, doesn't it?

Yes.  But the subject really is "session management for Linux audio
applications".  The fact that JACK is involved is (waves hand
dismissively in manner of a Paris waiter) an implementation detail.

> The JACK site[1] says, "If you're doing anything with jack, you need to be
> on this list."

True enough.  Though I've been doing things with JACK for many years
without ever having read that page before.  And -devel lists are
usually for developers of whatever it is they're about, not users of

Anyway -- really I'm just cross about missing things through my own
inertia.  I suspect the real reason I'm not on that list is that I
never got around to moving my subscription there, having previously
been subscribed to the now defunct jackit-de...@lists.sourceforge.net.
 This is the first time I've really been aware that the "new" list was
any more active than the old!

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