rosea grammostola wrote:
> [ ... ]
> All though... it appears that there are at least two existing problems 
> right now:
>    1. Zynaddsubfx/ yoshimi and probably other standalone synths, doesn't
>       have an very good midi mapping.
>    2. Non-Mixer doesn't support LV2 (they are working on dssi, they
>       support ladspa) and they are not planning to do so.
> About point 1, it would be nice if the developers of standalone 
> application make automation / midi mapping as good as possible. PHASEX 
> seems to be a good example.

In this context, it might help if you could define "as good as possible".
A common trait among oss developers is that they'll first build what they
want and need, then consider extending further when presented with feature
requests that offer worthwhile value to the general body of users, and
often more importantly, to the dev(s) in question. If you really want
something to change, you'll probably need to spell it out fairly
specifically. Then, you'll usually find there's a good chance of it
happening. But then oss development often reminds me of a sign on the back
wall of a second-hand VW parts place I used to frequent (a lot!) - "Price
may vary according to customer attitude!"

cheers, Cal

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