Excerpts from Aaron Krister Johnson's message of 2010-05-28 18:16:16 +0200:
> Hi all,
> Thanks for your many comments on my 'jackctl' python script of a couple of
> days ago. I have a new version:
> http://www.akjmusic.com/software/jackctl20100528.py
> New features include:
> * paging the reported connections list when lines go beyond 22
> * a 'MIDI' mode (hit 'm') to get you to access alsa-MIDI connections via
> 'aconnect'
> * a help menu to show the few simple commands
> I have not figured out how jack MIDI works---and I never use it (I don't
> really see the point when there's ALSA MIDI, frankly, but maybe someone
> knows better). I'm willing to add Jack-MIDI access as a feature, but someone
> has to tell me how I can connect it and test it from the command line using
> jackd (right now, 'jackd .... -X alsa' didn't work for me)
> There are bound to be additional bugs that I cannot forsee due to differing
> setups--I appreciate your testing and comments, and I hope you find this new
> tool a viable, if minimal, alternative to QJackctl...
> I recommend you use jack compiled without any additional verbosity. I
> haven't yet put in an architecture that will handle spurious messages from
> the various CL tools in the jack package.

It already has jack midi support :)
It would be nice if it could be shown separately, same as alsa midi.
Anyway, I recently wrote something that might help you understand jack


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