On 06/06/2010 09:43 PM, f...@kokkinizita.net wrote:
> Qjackctl has the -n option to select a Jack server name,
> and recent versions also allow multiple presets. 
> What would it take to make the server name a element of
> a preset rather than a command line option ?
> That would finally allow to run multiple jacks on the 
> same machine (something I've been doing quite a lot
> recently) without having to start each qjackctl with
> a different command line option (e.g. from a desktop
> menu). 
> And maybe the four start/stop scripts should also be
> 'per preset'.
> While we're here: almost no apps support selecting a
> specific Jack server. I've been adding this to some
> of my own just because I needed it. 
> Using -n for this can be problematic if the toolset 
> used doesn't allow context-sensitive options: -n is
> also used as a parameter for an ALSA interface, and
> some apps support both Jack and ALSA.

JACK_DEFAULT_SERVER environment variable might be your (only) friend here :)

rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela
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