On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 09:01:58AM +0100, Rui Nuno Capela wrote:

> fwiw, the retry logic is there since dawn. i can assure you it's been
> there for half a decade now ;) it's there for making sure qjackctl connects
> to the starting jackd server as a client of its own.

If the logic was there since the start of time, are you
sure it was working ? I've been using qjackctl for ages,
and *never* noticed this auto retry before half a year
ago ro so. Nor did I ever see it mentioned on the list
before that time.

> the retrial code path will be scrapped asap. the only
> way for you to avoid qjackctl being stalled due to a
> (very) slow jackd startup is now giving it a slack via
> the start delay configuration setting (cf Setup/Settings/Start
> Delay).

This seems to confuse two things:

- the delay between 1) starting the jackd process and
  2) trying to connect to it (which is indeed required),

- auto retrying when things fail.

When either step fails, AFAIK qjackctl is not 'stalled'.
You can (could) just fix the problem and try start again,
no problem at all.

Anyway, if the auto retry goes away I'll be happy.



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