On 31 July 2010 02:19, Niels Mayer <nielsma...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Yes, the CPU usage is from envy24control. Somehow, strange as it
>> sounds... The higher the volume, the higher the CPU usage... Or, if
>> the audio output is continually loud, it seems to overload the meters
>> and CPU usages rockets.
> I've reproduced and fixed this problem. It had to do with a strange
> "Gtk-oscillation" in UI sizing that would happen whenever label
> "0dBFS" would get drawn into the digital mixer meter pair (which would
> of course occur with louder signals :-) ). Lesser (or at least more
> computationally tractable) oscillations within the pane of
> sliders&meters might also happen, but the "earthquake" caused by the
> digital mixer panel on the LHS resizing had an interesting "feedback
> loop" that would take quite a while to "settle out" event-wise.

Oh.. I had noticed a slight shaking but didn't think to mention it,
thinking it was just a cosmetic fault.


> Also, after seeing your snapshots with the "dark" background graphics,
> I decided to let a gnome style pick a pair of contrasting colors for
> me. so now I'm using the following foreeground/background pair:
>        widget->style->text_aa[GTK_STATE_ACTIVE]
>        widget->style->text_aa[GTK_STATE_PRELIGHT]
> (the L/R meter pair for the digital mixer pair are the same color as
> all the other meters)
> Comments on this approach? The color choice is truly milquetoast now!
> But also visible, soothing & functional:

Comments? On first impressions, I like the screen shot because it's
not the old colours. Though first impressions based upon something not
being what it used to be count for nothing in the long run...

> http://nielsmayer.com/envy24control/Screenshot-Mudita24-rc0-MonInp.png

I'd like to see a 'original color theme' checkbox so we can
temporarily be disgusted by the bright-green and cadmium yellow just
to make the milquetoast effect soothing once more ;-)

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